Thursday, October 23, 2008


Well guess who turns 25 this week.. my little Devin.. When I met dev he wieghed about 75 pounds, he had hair down to his shoulders and he listened to really great music.. Well I guess not much has changed? Joe T, and I met dev at an Essex Greeen, Alslers Set, Beachwood Sparks, and Masters of Hemisphere show... in Iowa City... It was love at first site on my end.. He had an Elf Power Shirt on and moments after finding out he was from Des Moines I asked him to be in my new band the Poison Control Center... This was like 9 years ago.. Now dev and I would see all those bands again from that night even playing with Essex a couple times and once almost dieing coming back from an Aislers Set show... Man I have so many great memories of Devin its hard to put it into one little blog so I will just say I hope he enjoys his HOT COCK and Tequilla, Ash and I got him... Happy B-day buddy!
here is Devin at Ashleys B-day Party in June of 2006 playing Friends of Mine By the Zombies for us!
ps who we also saw together!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks pat! shit, has it been 9 years since i've known you...that's over a third of my life. pretty...pretty good. birthday on a thursday with tons of work = no fun. can't wait for tomorrow when i can bust out the jose and hot cock and really celebrate!