Thursday, October 22, 2009

Youth is waisted on the Young

Man lately i have been super nostalgic, maybe it was being home this weekend or maybe its just that there is not anything really cool going on right now, but dang I have been listening to music from my high school years and I even told my parents about the worst thing I ever did as a kid, and they were shocked..
It was my classic story about how I brought a bottle of Tanqueray to school and being dumb I throw my bag down on the commons table and it broke in my bag.. OOOZING BOOZE out of the bag onto the table.. Lets just say i was scared shitless, got my PE clothes and wiped it up and threw the bag in my locker between classes I threw my whole bag away in the bathroom garbage! and guess what never got BUSTED! oh shit I freaked out....
Anyway my parents said that was worse then anything BECKY ever did, so I high fived myself in my head!!

Anyway so last night I made myself some Cinnamin and Sugar toast and I remembered how rad my mom was cause she had a container of cinnamon 1/4 , and sugar 3/4 already in the cabinet for situations liked this.. God my mom is awesome and so is this

1 comment:

dcurtis said...

I just like that your older sister is named Becky. It's like you lived an episode of Rosanne