Friday, October 16, 2009

New York Stories

Well I went to my first class in 8 years yetsterday it was a screen writing class and it was great Taught by Ben Godar and I actually had a blast.. Went with my buddy Marc and I learned alot! Ash quized my when i got home over my notes and I did great...

anyway I watched New York Stories the other night.. its 3 short movies 1 by Martin Scorcese 1 by Francis Ford Coppla and 1 by Woody Allen..
Lets just say 2 out of 3 ruled! Sorry Francis..
But dang the other 2 were soooooo sooo good!
I highly recamend picking it up from a library near you..
shit even Larry David is in the Woody Allen 1

and Martin used 1 of my fave songs of all time the greatness in his Short Life lessons

1 comment:

Candace Trew Camling said...

thanks for entering my contest! I really appreciate it! ... and of course, the nice things you had to say about my work! Very kind of you!