Monday, February 4, 2008


So Sunday was great.. we ventured out in the snow to pick up some games snacks and "GOOD Beer" for the super bowl.. We tried some chec beer and I got some Labatts 32 ounce so it was kinda like drinking a chug mug.. and Ash choose Stella cause she's high class..
The game was fantastic. Though I was going for the Patriots, But its cool the Giants won since the Vikings beat up on them this year! So thats kinda cool..

After the game I decided I was going to Call into SOUND OFF a sports call in show on WHO-TV 13 and fuck I got through I talked some shit about the Twins trading Johan and it was fucking awesome! Hopefully it will show up on you tube so I can share it with you!
WELL FOOTBALLS over TIME for baseball..
Pitchers and Catchers report next week! fuck yeah!

1 comment:

sami villwock said...

i saw tom petty! did you see the BEARD?