Friday, September 7, 2007


well its weird.. When they say there is going to be a new Remix of an old classic Bob Dylan song on the new Greatest Hits Columbia is releasing this year..
SO they got Hot Produceer Marc Ronson (amy winehouse rehab song) to remix one of my faves by Bobby.. And I thought come the fuck on.. But actually the song is really awsome.. Not as good as th 66 bootleg version with the Band backing him but I will take what I can get...

Also the video is a total ripp off of the Beatles Free as a Bird but hell great minds think alike!
check it out!


jordandm said...

defintely reminds me of amy weinhouse song and mix. i just wanted the cowboy hat version of dylan to turn around and it actually be him. i thought it really was at the end.

jordandm said...

Unknown said...

oh my god...that video was unspeakably horrendous! poor dylan...