Monday, November 26, 2007

Its been to long..

sorry for the lack of posts.. So much has been going on...
Tour was great... got to play some of the most inspiring shows of my life with Joe and I will treasure those 2 weeks always!

Thanksgving was great.. Ash and I made a Vegan feast for about 10 and it was amazing...

Seeing the band this weekend was a hoot.. recording on our new tape machine and practicing sooo good.

the Vikes are back in the HUNT! YEAH>...

Now the sad news the Lead Singer of Quiet Riot is Dead... I saw him at the Iowa State fair from the front row in High School He came out with his mic stand in his teeth I thought that was Bad fucking ass!
I even bought a t-shirt!

1 comment:

Bec said...

Glad you had a great Tofurkey meal! Also, I think it is great you had such a good time on tour. enjoy your time at the Vikings game this weekend-hope they continue to win!