Yep my parents totally had 3 kids in the same week, 3 years apart from each other, so it work out well that when 1 of us was a senior in High School the younger was a freshmen!
So today I wish my older sister Becky a happy birthday! Becky has always been incredibly insightful, not only book smart but has a world of commen sence and love behind everything she does! She is a wonderful mother and I need to thank her for having a bit of a wild side growing up because she opened a lot of doors for me to be naughty! Wether it was sneeking out and driving around in daddy's pick up without being old enough to do such things and getting caught by the cops! ha loved that one on MOTHERS DAY eve in fact..
Or how she never did to well with Chocolate milk and puked in the van on vacation. .. I thought to myself, wow maybe this is the vacation i dont get blamed for ruining it.. But the thing is she has never ruined anything and she about as good as it gets as a person! and I love her so!
ps sorry I made you sit with a broken leg for about ten minutes before I went and got mom and dad!
happy b-day
I love you Pat!! You always say the sweetest things (or know how to bullshit me). Thanks so much for the kind post. Miss you!
so yours is coming up or has happened. Hence you posted about your brother, this is about your sister. Now you are the missing link.
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