Thursday, August 20, 2009

Crazzzzy Week

Man this week has been to crazzy for me.. and I have not felt to great, Ash says im low in IRON, a deficiency infact.. I told her I dont want to listen to IROM MAIDEN any more this week..
I got the New YO LA TENGO and thats all I have been listening to and I love it sooooo much! its fantastic.. What a band 16 albums in they still know how to make a perfect collection of songs.. I love it because its kinda like a PCC album in that its all over the place and I worry about that with our band, but this just makes me feel like its ok! But mind you this record is full of gems and quite and enjoyable 65 minute listen! here is the new video featuring TIMES NEW VIKING, pretending to Be YO LA TENGO in a record store? pretty funny! PCC actually stayed with TIMES NEW VIKING once on tour when we played in Columbus, OH.. Except the drummer of the band got me so drunk I didnt even make it into the house, I slept in the van.. rough night but anyway here's the vid for Nothing to Hide!

Work has been keeping me very busy this week and thats good, Im kinda glad I dont work in Minneapolis where the company is based out of since a Tornado ripped though the city yesterday and damaged one of my favorite record stores the Electric Fetus!
Now I want to share a Killer Video from my Hommie ALEXIS GIDEON who is embarking on a huge tour this fall and the release of his HIP-HOPERA VIDEO MUSICS! here is the first single "BRIMSTONE BLAINE" he is coming to Ames Progressive in Sept! PEOPLE GOT TO BE THERE FOR THIS... Check it!

also i have always joked about starting a wedding planning bizness but I think someone took me seriously cause I keep getting issues of MODERN BRIDE? I sent the first 2 I got to my little sis who is actually getting married but another arrived yesterday! I wonder if my mom got her a subscription but accidently its being sent to me! I hope Ash is not getting Rolling Stone or something, that Im supposed to be getting.. anyway. MY ashley said OH MAN I wish there were dresses like this when we were getting married and I was like OH BOY, "insert long speech about how beautiful she looked on our wedding day" then walked to Hy-vee at 10:30 pm to get 2 cliff bars 1 maple nut, 1 oatmeal to make me feel better! Woke up feeling like a hundred bucks! Dont need iron need cliff

1 comment:

Tito said...

Shopping at Hy-vee. That is a bad place to shop. I should know because I worked for the company. And its a bad place to put your money!!!