Wednesday, July 29, 2009


so yesterday when ash woke up I had to tell her had a rough morning
I felt like the OCTO-MOM, why you may asked.. well I had 8 healthy dumps..
all premature cause they were from dinner the night before!

oh well in other news I have sore throat like no other and I think I need my tonsils taken out or maybe I just burnt my throat on that same dinner that cause my dumps.

Man summer is going by way to fast.. I have been working lots lately and enjoying it.. but dang its almost Aug..
Last year at this time we were rocking with the Apples in Stereo every night.. That was fun..
man texas in the summer is hot..

Well im excited the PCC boys will be in town this weekend going to do some practice, shows, etc.. looking forward to that..
also found out YO LA TENGO is playing in Omaha on a Friday (totally going) and wilco will be playing in St. Paul the weekend before the final baseball games ever at the dome.. BOO YAY on that too!

well ash has been really funny lately but now I can remember what she was funny about.. I totally wanted to tell all of you.. its good when your married to the equivilent to Chris Rock!
speaking of that

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