here is a lovely pic of Ash and Tara telling DON HE IS NUMBER 1...
not to be outdone by our 80/35 weekend.. MY dear friend DONALD EPHRAIM CURTIS took his lovely girlfriend Tara to Abbey Road and Proposed to her and ofcourse she said the magic words or YES!!!
I want to say a huge Congrats to them! DON is one of my favorite people in the whol world, he funny, tough, smart, talented, and a mans man! But most importantly he will be a great husband and pa pa!
and Tara has just changed his life and made him better in so many ways.. From the moment I met Tara I know how totally rad she is.. She totally Way funnier, tougher, smarter and way more talented then DON! so it works out pefect.. Just kidding DON..
But she is amazing and I cant think of many better people in the world that I know!
SO CONGRATS to you too.. IM so happy for you! and LOVE YA BOTH...
now ofcourse I got to give props to Don for proposing to Tara outside Abbey Road, but if you remember DON helped me propose to Ashley on her B-day in 2006.. here is his performance!
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