Well a big old happy birthday to my little sister Ashley.. She is the most fantastic little sis anyone could ever ask for..
We fought we played we pissed off mom and dad.. One of my favorite moments of that is when we were sent to are rooms which were right across from each other, but we protested outside our rooms and sang, "WHERE HAVE ALL THE FLOWERS gone" the protest song from the 60's and my dad came running back and I got into my room in time but little ashley got a whipping if I remember correctly! HA HA oh what fun we had.. anyway I love you and hope you have a fantastic day!
big bro!
On another note I owe Devin and My little sister ashley each a beer for their predictions of Bruce's halftime show each got 2 selection. Dev with Born to run and Glory Days and My sis with Born To run and a New song off his new album...
I was a little preturb at the boss for cutting Born to run.. where was the 2nd verse my man!
oh well it was fun.,.. and WHAT A GAME! i had a blast watching it..
made some popcorn drank some pbr.. it was a good night...
Ash and I also got "BROADWAY DANNY ROSE" from the library another wooday allen film and it was supurb..
1 comment:
Instead of a beer how about a pot of tea from Natural Kind Cafe-my new favorite tea is from there and I could drink it all day every day. Thanks for the B-day wish. I'm excited to see you guys in two weeks. Game was good but dang Steelers got every call.
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