Thursday, February 19, 2009

DIGITAL TV SUCKS! Well actually I dont know.. if it does

Well they said it was coming.. Even though the GOV. pushed the digital TV tranfer back, NBC (my beloved chopper 13) host of such favorites as Americas's biggest loser, Law and Order, the Office, and 30 Rock will be tranfering over today the orginal date of the transfer...
Now ashley and I like millions of others tried to get a coupon to get a cheap converter box BUT they ran out.. so we are on a waiting list to get one..
I started thinking OH no big deal, I can go without NBC but then I was like SHIT CONAN's last old show before his new, new show begins and Im going to miss it..
ANd hell Jimmy Fallons got Robert Deniro and Van Morrison for his first show.. whats a guy to do.. well there always the sloppy seconds on YOUTUBE the next day I can sit through at work.. OR maybe I should just get the FREE CABLE till JUNE Mediacom is talking about...'

OH well Im bummed Im going to miss the END CONAN.. Thanks for all the memories like Racecar Jesus..
ps on a side note it was always DON Curtis's goal in music to play the Conan show.. well that just got a bit tougher my friend.. Oh well
pss My buddy and old tour mate ROBERT S. of the Apples will premiere is his new act ROBERT BOBBERT AND THE BUBBLE MACHINE or something like that, its music for kids made by the never aging robert! on GOOD MORNING AMERICA this sunday.. Heck yeah I still got ABC!


Chris said...

I got an extra coupon I can mail you.

dcurtis said...

tougher... yes

attainable.. yes