Thursday, February 26, 2009
R.I.P Randy Bewley --PYLON's Guitar man!
Well some of you may not know who PYLON is but they were a pretty amazing band that influenced so much of the music over the last 20 years! the Poison Control Center actually got to open for them on one of there few Reunion shows in the past few years.. It was pretty amazing opening for them at the ATHENS POPFEST a few years back.. I actually got to meet Randy the guitar player at an after party of the show.. He said he liked our band, which always make my heart jump, wether it be a 12 year old kid saying it or a great guitarist from a influential band.. I'm glad we had the honor to open for them and Im proud to say I met Randy..
and I want to thank my good friend mike turner for making that happen.. PYLON is one of Mikes favorite bands, and I can honestly say the first time I heared them was in his car driving around listening to a cassette tape and then him showing me the film ATHENS INSIDE/OUT... I dont think anybody probably liked the band more... Mike wrote a touching piece about Randy on his blog and I thought I would share it with you!
This is what my friend Mike had to say on the HHBTM blog.......
This afternoon Randy Bewley (guitarist from Pylon) died from a heart attack that he suffered while driving on Monday evening. He will be missed. Randy was a real super funny guy, very kind, and one of the most innovative guitarists of our time. Pylon played a big role in my fascination with Athens while in high school in the late 80's. I found a copy of Athens, GA Inside Out at a pawn shop in Panama City, Fl where I'm from on cassette. I picked it up because R.E.M. were on it and I had never heard the song "Dream" which after getting the tape I found was a popular cover. This cassette opened my world up to so much it's almost impossible for me to think of what would be if I had not found it that day. The Pylon track " Stop It" was the highlight of the soundtrack. I was able to trade some Judybats singles and EPs I had to a girl at my school that had a copy of the actual VHS of Athens, GA Inside Out, and I knew then I would someday move there. I picked up loads of DB stuff over the next few years, and would give a bit more time to a band coming out of Athens than I would from anywhere else it seemed. I made trips to Athens through the 90's only
to finally move here in 2004. Shortly after moving here Pylon reformed and played a secret show in August of 2004. The timing was a nightmare though, as I couldn't go to it as I was in the middle of the first Athens PopFest, so i missed the show. They played again that new year's eve which might have been the best show I will have ever gone to. In the spring of 2005 I sat down with Randy, Vanessa, and Michael from Pylon (Curtis was out of town at the time) for an interview for an issue of the Bee's Knees that never went to print. I was so nervous talking to them, to me they were like the Beatles or Rolling Stones. Everyone was so polite and funny, and soon they put my nerves on ease. After that interview we ended up actually getting to be friends. They played the second Athens Popfest and a dream that seemed impossible before moving to Athens had came true. I never thought I'd ever see them play, but for Pylon to play at the Popfest..... it just couldn't get better. Pylon shows in Athens were always special because they had such a fan base here, and everyone was
there to dance and have a good time. (I mean when was the last time you went to a show and have an entire room moving on the floor?). When they played the Popfest however only about half the crowd knew them, most of the out of towners had no idea who they were. When booking them it never struck me that they would be playing to a almost completely new crowd, but when they went on you could see a bit of nervousness on the first song or two. After a few songs the audience couldn't help but to start dancing, and soon the entire club was getting to experience that Athens dance party that was a Pylon show. I could go on and on about each member, but I want
to share mainly about Randy. It was shortly after the show that I got to know Randy. We met downtown one night and he had dinner with my wife Leslie and I at Clocked. We talked about art and music, he shared a bunch of funny Pylon stories, and gave me an original 1" pylon button (or badge as known in the UK). Leslie and I that night dubbed him Rockin' Randy which we always called him after that. The nickname never caught on to others, but it was our little thing. Randy would drop by Wuxtry and we'd talk for hours about new records and reissues, he even took Leslie and myself backstage after the Gang of Four show in 2005 and introduced us to them all. He was just such a great person, always friendly, and open to talking about nearly anything. He helped me out when I was looking to buy a new guitar...anyway my thoughts are getting all muddy now. Randy you will be missed, and you have no idea how much you have touched all of our lives. My heart goes out to all his friends and family.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Today is the first day of baseball!
EXCLUSIVE! from Christopher the Conquered!
I'll Stop Loving You, by Christopher the Conquered from TAPES FOR LIFE on Vimeo.
Here is a little film I shot last night after Chris and I's final recording session at my place, he is moving the gear back home to put on more bells and whistles.. I HAD A GREAT TIME working on this amazing record!
Thanks chris for letting me use you as a ginny pig to try out my new camera!
hope you all like
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Its hard for me to say that Robert of the Apples is a good friend of mine, he is, but I truely think everyone who meets him feels that he is your best friend.. cause the guy is just so damn warm, fun, and excited about life.. It was so great going on tour with the Apples last summer, I had a blast and I have never gotten to play to so many people in a 2 week time spand...
Watch this and see if you think we had fun out on tour with these guys... also Craig Fergason mr. Buttplosion of Ideas, also in the apples and leader of the Big Fresh makes the cut of this ABC filmed feature..
hope my friends from Lexington are doing great!
Watch this and see if you think we had fun out on tour with these guys... also Craig Fergason mr. Buttplosion of Ideas, also in the apples and leader of the Big Fresh makes the cut of this ABC filmed feature..
hope my friends from Lexington are doing great!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Baby's Got Flat

Well this weekend was quite fun, Ash and I went and watched Slumdog Millianare on Saturday and I thought it was beautiful and good.. glad it one best picture!
Well deserved!
then sunday ruled I got to play a benifet show and there was 150 or so folks there and it was a blast got to play a few new tunes and a few oldies but the crowd was very interactive and fun.. so I enjoyed a ton!
Then we got a flat tire on the way home.. GOT I LOVE TRIPLE A..
anyway thats all hopefully my new camera that I had to send back and get a new comes today...
gota get on my Casper and the Cookies video!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Some might not believe im saying this...

Well while in Iowa City on Friday I purchased VAN Morrison's 4th solo album His Band and the Street Choir on 180 gram vinyl and I must say it rates up there with MOONDANCE and Astral Weeks.. The production is superb and maybe the best blue eye soul album I have heard since Moondance or Dusty In Memphis!
I swear that Moondance is in my top 10 albums of all time and this one might rate up there soon enough.. And as for a 3 album in a row run Astral Weeks, Moondance, and His Band and the Street Choir might be as good as REVOLVER, SGt. Pepper, and the White album.. Seriously this is some good shit..
Go download the song Street Choir. It Kills,
hell of an album cover too!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
R.I.P Kelly Groucutt... ELO's killer bass player!
well he never got into the Rock N Roll hall of fame... what a shame..
I dont know how many of the killer Bass lines in ELO KELLY GROUCUTT wrote being that Jeff Lynne is kinda a control freak but He did have a killler high voice and some killer hair..
so much for a real ELO reunion..
very sad...
here are a couple of my faves.....
man I could list about 50 songs here..
WELL Im sorry you lost all your great hair later in life Kelly and Im sorry you lost your life..
I dont know how many of the killer Bass lines in ELO KELLY GROUCUTT wrote being that Jeff Lynne is kinda a control freak but He did have a killler high voice and some killer hair..
so much for a real ELO reunion..
very sad...
here are a couple of my faves.....
man I could list about 50 songs here..
WELL Im sorry you lost all your great hair later in life Kelly and Im sorry you lost your life..
Thursday, February 19, 2009
DIGITAL TV SUCKS! Well actually I dont know.. if it does
Well they said it was coming.. Even though the GOV. pushed the digital TV tranfer back, NBC (my beloved chopper 13) host of such favorites as Americas's biggest loser, Law and Order, the Office, and 30 Rock will be tranfering over today the orginal date of the transfer...
Now ashley and I like millions of others tried to get a coupon to get a cheap converter box BUT they ran out.. so we are on a waiting list to get one..
I started thinking OH no big deal, I can go without NBC but then I was like SHIT CONAN's last old show before his new, new show begins and Im going to miss it..
ANd hell Jimmy Fallons got Robert Deniro and Van Morrison for his first show.. whats a guy to do.. well there always the sloppy seconds on YOUTUBE the next day I can sit through at work.. OR maybe I should just get the FREE CABLE till JUNE Mediacom is talking about...'
OH well Im bummed Im going to miss the END CONAN.. Thanks for all the memories like Racecar Jesus..
ps on a side note it was always DON Curtis's goal in music to play the Conan show.. well that just got a bit tougher my friend.. Oh well
pss My buddy and old tour mate ROBERT S. of the Apples will premiere is his new act ROBERT BOBBERT AND THE BUBBLE MACHINE or something like that, its music for kids made by the never aging robert! on GOOD MORNING AMERICA this sunday.. Heck yeah I still got ABC!
Now ashley and I like millions of others tried to get a coupon to get a cheap converter box BUT they ran out.. so we are on a waiting list to get one..
I started thinking OH no big deal, I can go without NBC but then I was like SHIT CONAN's last old show before his new, new show begins and Im going to miss it..
ANd hell Jimmy Fallons got Robert Deniro and Van Morrison for his first show.. whats a guy to do.. well there always the sloppy seconds on YOUTUBE the next day I can sit through at work.. OR maybe I should just get the FREE CABLE till JUNE Mediacom is talking about...'
OH well Im bummed Im going to miss the END CONAN.. Thanks for all the memories like Racecar Jesus..
ps on a side note it was always DON Curtis's goal in music to play the Conan show.. well that just got a bit tougher my friend.. Oh well
pss My buddy and old tour mate ROBERT S. of the Apples will premiere is his new act ROBERT BOBBERT AND THE BUBBLE MACHINE or something like that, its music for kids made by the never aging robert! on GOOD MORNING AMERICA this sunday.. Heck yeah I still got ABC!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
V-day weekend re-cap
well V-day weekend was a blast.. We drove strait into a 7 inch snowstorm but we left early enough for it to only take 3 1/2 hours to Omaha so it worked out well! We listened to the V-day mix I made ash and she dug it.. I think her faves were probably Nico's "I'll Keep it with mine" and Beachwood Sparks version of "By your side" anyway we got to OMAHA and naturally I think I remember where joe, don and I went to WHOLE FOODS but I was about 50 blocks off, but oh well. No harm done we made it and had a great lunch..
We then hit up BOB and Ashley's my sis and her fiancee who by the way were the most gracious host ever.. and they didnt even lock up there DVD's and put PLASTIC on their couches like they do when PCC Stays over..(Just kidding) anyway we got to hang with them and watch THE MLB channel which totally ruled and I could have happily watch all weekend but we had a tickets for the John Cassavetes film, MINI AND MOCKowitz which was fucking brillent and featured SEYMORE CASSEL as the star.. Some of you may know him as MAX's father in RUSHMORE or the guy who gets eaten by a Shark in Life Aquadic anyway he was there and talked and it was such a blast, we then got WIne, Champaign, and Sushi after he talked and we got to meet him.. He was really sweet and reeked of POT and the gal who was putting it on had pot in her teeth so they must have had a little post show fun...
anyway it was a blast and MATT FISCHER was there so that was fun to see him and his lady..
We also hit up the Slowdown for a drink and its super cool way to go Saddle Creek dudes!
Ok so then on Saturday we went to my lil Sis's gym which blew my mind it was so huge and Nice and they fucking played SHINE A LITTLE LOVE by ELO, which made me stop lifting weights cause that songs comes on its instant DANCE TIME!
Then My lovely Parents came down and we had such a blast hanging with them.. We ate a marvoulous dinner that feature Bob's Pershion Rice and Stir Fry.. We then played some crazy game and BOB, My Dad, and I won... Naturally 2 out of 3 games I think the game was called Catch Fraze it was a blast.. and my mom and dad were so cute and competitive... anyway Thanks to them for coming down and Bob and Ash for letting us Crash.. we had such a great time!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Ok so when i said I saw some of the most awkward tv the other night...
well this just beat it...
well this just beat it...
Well some sad news came from Athens, GA today.. there will be No Athens POPFEST this year.. its due to the very sad state of the ECONOMY.. what a bummer now I havent been able to go the past couple years but dang the HAPPY HAPPY b-day to me Records crew have done such a wonderful job with the fest and I can honestly say I have MIKE turner to thank for some of my greatest friends/favorite bands in the whole wide world! Thanks Mike.. I look forward to POPFEST's return in 2010..
one of those great friends just happen to play their first show as FISHBOT!
check it out...
The Making of Fishbot from Eric Edward Fishboy on Vimeo.
GOTTA LOVE CHRIS YETTER so honest! this is worth 13 minutes of your time on Friday the 13th!
one of those great friends just happen to play their first show as FISHBOT!
check it out...
The Making of Fishbot from Eric Edward Fishboy on Vimeo.
GOTTA LOVE CHRIS YETTER so honest! this is worth 13 minutes of your time on Friday the 13th!
V-day is back...
well last valentines day I told you all how to make that special someone a killer mix cd for V-day well i got mine done this morning and its great.. 22 songs.. I actually had more but it was to long to fit on the cd.. and I didnt feel like doing a double disk...
Bur maybe I should have as tommorow I have special plans for V-day that Ash does not know about.. and it looks like we are going to be driving strait into a snow storm to do our special plans I have tickets for..
Oh well its got to be done.. Maybe we will just leave a little early.. I dont want to spoil the party but here is a couple songs on my mix for ash this year... you can steel them if you want...
yep even the fricken FOO FIGHTERS made this mix
Bur maybe I should have as tommorow I have special plans for V-day that Ash does not know about.. and it looks like we are going to be driving strait into a snow storm to do our special plans I have tickets for..
Oh well its got to be done.. Maybe we will just leave a little early.. I dont want to spoil the party but here is a couple songs on my mix for ash this year... you can steel them if you want...
yep even the fricken FOO FIGHTERS made this mix
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
A Rivers Runs Through IT
So last night ash and I went to a reading by Annick Smith, who is a writer, editor, and filmmaker who lives in Montana's Blackfoot River Valley. Her books include the memoir Homestead; Big Bluestem, Journey into the Tallgrass, written for The Nature Conservancy; the Montana anthology The Last Best Place, coedited with William Kittredge; and the recently published The Wide Open: Prose, Poetry, and Photographs of the Prairie. She was a founding member of the Sundance Film Institute, the executive producer of the feature film Heartland, and a coproducer of Robert Redford's production of A River Runs Through It.
It was very interesting but she seemed miffed at Robert Redford about not shooting the movie on the real river from the Book A River Runs Through it..
SO I asked her about it and it was great.. she kinda ripped on the NATURAL (robert R) a bit and she was a very hip fiesty women.. WHO READ WELL.
I dug it..
and I also dig this...
It was very interesting but she seemed miffed at Robert Redford about not shooting the movie on the real river from the Book A River Runs Through it..
SO I asked her about it and it was great.. she kinda ripped on the NATURAL (robert R) a bit and she was a very hip fiesty women.. WHO READ WELL.
I dug it..
and I also dig this...
Whats going on?
1. WHy did Radiohead only have 2 members playing at their Grammy performance, when the other guys in the band were sitting there watching the USC marching band play their parts.. Come on
2. Last night on the Bachlor I witnessed some of the most awkward tv i have ever seen when one girls mom brought out a DEAD DOVE to be dug a grave then the girls dad talked about the power of Jesus.. it was awkward lets just say the girl didnt get a rose!
3. Got 3 LP 51 song live album of the Fiery Furnaces as my final christmas gift from Ash and it rules
4. why did Dave Groel play with McCartney on the Grammy's come on Paul let Ringo live again!
5. Saw my buddies Heavenly States on a commercial that was pretty cool.
6. GOT A KILLER weekend planed for Valentines day!
7. enjoying the great Weather!
8. CHECK THIS LOVELY PIC OF JOE T. in Memphis Making me very Jealous!

later dudes
2. Last night on the Bachlor I witnessed some of the most awkward tv i have ever seen when one girls mom brought out a DEAD DOVE to be dug a grave then the girls dad talked about the power of Jesus.. it was awkward lets just say the girl didnt get a rose!
3. Got 3 LP 51 song live album of the Fiery Furnaces as my final christmas gift from Ash and it rules
4. why did Dave Groel play with McCartney on the Grammy's come on Paul let Ringo live again!
5. Saw my buddies Heavenly States on a commercial that was pretty cool.
6. GOT A KILLER weekend planed for Valentines day!
7. enjoying the great Weather!
8. CHECK THIS LOVELY PIC OF JOE T. in Memphis Making me very Jealous!
later dudes
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Ok so Devin's sis, sent this to Devin and he sent it to me.. and it blew my mind it was so funny. Ash and i layed in bed last night Quoteing this and laughing for like 20 minutes.. oh it kills it so good.
meet David who is a 7 year old who just went to the DENTIST
meet David who is a 7 year old who just went to the DENTIST
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Well we got to have some breakfast with joe and Danelle Williams who are moving to the twin cities this weekend.. So that makes it pretty official that I have no ORGINAL early 2000's friends in ames.. Well I guess Jeremy Johnson but I only see him when Im looking for a Criterion Collection DVD that his store never has.. oh well I give a big ROCK AND ROLL SALUTE to my former high school homie from sibley and her lovely husband who we used to call the messiah!
GOOD LUCK williams heres a little tom petty for the ride!
GOOD LUCK williams heres a little tom petty for the ride!
Its not that small of a world anymore
Come on Disney is anything precious..
the classic ride that started it all.. "Its a Small World" which i have rode on both versions at Disney World and Disney Land and loved them both.. they just put you in a good frame of mind.. and I always wondered how in the 50's they looped that song over and over again..
anyway apparently disney fucked with a good formula because they are adding disney charicters and parts of classic disney songs to the ride.. COME ON what would WALT think.. seeing fricken Aladin in his amazing ride..
what's next...
check out this psychadelic gem of a ride!
the classic ride that started it all.. "Its a Small World" which i have rode on both versions at Disney World and Disney Land and loved them both.. they just put you in a good frame of mind.. and I always wondered how in the 50's they looped that song over and over again..
anyway apparently disney fucked with a good formula because they are adding disney charicters and parts of classic disney songs to the ride.. COME ON what would WALT think.. seeing fricken Aladin in his amazing ride..
what's next...
check out this psychadelic gem of a ride!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Let it be from Big Pink!
so yesterday at work my feet were up on the desk watchin some youtube.. and I came across just one of the countless covers the beatles jammed on during the LET IT BE sessions..
this one caught my eye as it one of my favorite Dylan/Band songs..
check it out!
no video but worth the minute to here George ripping on the guitar!
this one caught my eye as it one of my favorite Dylan/Band songs..
check it out!
no video but worth the minute to here George ripping on the guitar!
Monday, February 2, 2009
spring is here soon!
well my little sis got lucky cause she was born on groundhogsday.. a day of hope of what it to come... well little phil said spring is just around the corner that gives me hope as does JOE COCKER performing one of my favorite John Sebastion Songs..
Happy B-dizzle little Sizzle!

Well a big old happy birthday to my little sister Ashley.. She is the most fantastic little sis anyone could ever ask for..
We fought we played we pissed off mom and dad.. One of my favorite moments of that is when we were sent to are rooms which were right across from each other, but we protested outside our rooms and sang, "WHERE HAVE ALL THE FLOWERS gone" the protest song from the 60's and my dad came running back and I got into my room in time but little ashley got a whipping if I remember correctly! HA HA oh what fun we had.. anyway I love you and hope you have a fantastic day!
big bro!
On another note I owe Devin and My little sister ashley each a beer for their predictions of Bruce's halftime show each got 2 selection. Dev with Born to run and Glory Days and My sis with Born To run and a New song off his new album...
I was a little preturb at the boss for cutting Born to run.. where was the 2nd verse my man!
oh well it was fun.,.. and WHAT A GAME! i had a blast watching it..
made some popcorn drank some pbr.. it was a good night...
Ash and I also got "BROADWAY DANNY ROSE" from the library another wooday allen film and it was supurb..
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