Well my dad got an Ipod from his kids for christmas (still owe my little sis some $ for it) and he is just in time to get his favorite tunes for the low price of 99 Cents.. But he better hurry as ITUNES will be jacking up some of their prices to a 1.29... Now I have thought about this problem for awhile how can you justify saying, "BORN TO RUN" by the Boss and "LIKE A ROLLING STONE" by Bob Dylan are worth the same price as a 30 second sound snippet off the Poison Control Center's GO GO music show... Seriously.. Who ever came up with a strait price for all songs is an idiot. but who is to say for it has worked for years..
1 thing that I hope comes from this is I hope they keep the Idependent Record label songs at 99 cents and put the Major labels up to 1.29.. might give the indies a little advantage... who knows.. Well you next kick ass mix CD just got a little more exspensive so if someone make one for you,,, they love you 29 cents a song more!
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