I thought it was funny when i said to Ryan that he looks the most like Joe ued to, just Joe Cute off at the legs!! anyway the night was great.. Joe was actually Last years man of the year award recipiant and This years man of the year was Amedeo Rossi.. Amedeo gave a very heart felt speech and the night seemed like the end of an era for some reason.. anyway It was great to see tons of friends and heck even chuck from minneapolis came down to the show!
Ok now yesterday was interesting cause I was running sound for Dave Larson B-day party so Im have a beer before the show starts with Derek Lamber and I look over to the bar and Im like oh shit Dave Im loosing my shit cause thats BOB from PAVEMENT (one of my all time favorite bands) standing at the bar.. And Derek's like oh yeah he lives here and Brian knows him.. Brian is a bartender in ames who in Derek's Andrew W. K cover band who were playing last night and I was like oh Shit.. NExt thing I know Im getting introduce to Bob and his lovely fiance Whitney.. and we are hanging talking Pavement and weddings and Mark Ibold and Sonic Youth and it was fantastic.. we ended up hanging numerous times in the night..

of course I had to send some friends a text about it and my favorite reply had to be from Devin when I said.. "Bob from Pavement now has Collage, and Give it a Try and his Fiance has a Giraffe shirt" all pcc merch and Dev replies back he's also got an Aplication for a Restraining order.. ha ha that was a good one.. but actually He and Whitney were coming to talk to me... there pretty new in town and I think he could see he found a kindred spirit who likes BEER, ROCK N ROLL, and can talk SPORTS!
anyway Good weeked...
oh one more quick note always love when someone sends me a picture on my phone even though I cant get them but sometimes they have a code you can go to the internet and see the photo this is what I got today!

I wont say he the culpret is but Not bad but I have and will probably had way better!
wow, great photo, patrick. a little decency would be nice... just... unbelievable...
dude, it's not about size, it's about form. it's called a double-barrel (like a shotgun).
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