Ok so I got some predictions for you,, I did not know who would win the super bowl last year.. I admit but I DID guess right on the more important matter last year.. WHAT SONGS WAS TOM PETTY GOING TO PLAY at the HALF TIME SHOW! I nailed em!
I got a good hunch I got this years half time as well...
I think the BOSS will play
if you have thoughts post em will see whos buying the other a beer!
also if anyone wants to buy me ticktets to the BOSS show in ST. Paul I would happily go.. 1 of my favorite Youtube videos I have seen this year was from his last St. Paul show..
let just say it gave me shivers at work.. check it out.....
PCC's buddy Max W. must have told BRUCE its a good idea to go into the crowd when you play.. trust me boss they will love it!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Well today was the first. ashley and I got up to go to the Unitarian Church in AMes to watch one of ash's clients sons plays some tunes at the church it was pretty amazing the band was called "COCO BUTTER GIRLS" or something to that effect and they played "SUNSHINE OF YOUR LOVE" by Cream, "BABA O'Riley" by the Who, "Jump" by Van Halen, "Smells Like Teen Sprirt" by Nirvana, and "Seven Nation Army" by the White Stripes.. thats right this is during a church service I got to admit I was bobbing my nogging.. it was pretty fun!
Then later in the day I watch like a 4 hour documentary on Shakespear who I absolutely love and found that he and I have a lot in common we were both Raised Catholic and both can't spell worth a shit.. which Im sure you atleast knew 1 of those facts if you read this blog!
well I bet shakespear never had time to do this...
notice Im wearing braces! ha
OH and Happy Birthday to my good old pal Matt Travaille today!
Then later in the day I watch like a 4 hour documentary on Shakespear who I absolutely love and found that he and I have a lot in common we were both Raised Catholic and both can't spell worth a shit.. which Im sure you atleast knew 1 of those facts if you read this blog!
well I bet shakespear never had time to do this...
notice Im wearing braces! ha
OH and Happy Birthday to my good old pal Matt Travaille today!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Fishboy on DAYTROTTER!
You know I love em.. go get these free versions of tunes off my 3rd favorite album of 2007!
You know I love em.. go get these free versions of tunes off my 3rd favorite album of 2007!
No Kent Hrbek for me today
well it was great hanging with Cole and Tom who are meeting my pops in Minneapolis for the annual TWINSFEST! Im bummed I cant go.. anyway it was great getting to hang with them as they stayed with us last night.. Cole is becoming a little man!
well I have been so into EXILE on Main St. lately that I looked for some live recordings while at work.. couldnt find crap but did find this killer 10 minute version of you cant always get what you want!
check it out!
well I have been so into EXILE on Main St. lately that I looked for some live recordings while at work.. couldnt find crap but did find this killer 10 minute version of you cant always get what you want!
check it out!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Man I hate...
man i hate those stupid commercials for NBC's show medium.. this is how I feel about them and the show...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Ok so I have never ever ever liked Mc Donalds.. even way before I was a veggie When I was a kid i used to hate the smell of MC Donalds and I called it MAGGOTs since they had those little crazy onions on the burgers I thought they were Maggots anyway.. Im excited to say RONALD MC DONALD and the BUGERLER do not have shit for brains because they have commissioned the boys from FISHBOY to compose a song for some upcoming commercials! I love it.. its not out in the States yet but here is the spanish version!
refreshment recess! from Eric Edward Fishboy on Vimeo.
refreshment recess! from Eric Edward Fishboy on Vimeo.
Monday, January 19, 2009
2 days of parting hard and look what I get out of it! A photo on my phone
Well the past 2 days have been really great.. On sat. PCC got to headline Ladd's second huge b-day party.. which was a blast a ton of bands played Wolve, Christorpher the Conquerd, derek lambert, and It's True were my faves... and we got to close the whole show out! Which was a blast.. Joe t. couldnt be there so we had some fill ins name Ryan Meier, Derek Lambert, and Elliot Imes..
I thought it was funny when i said to Ryan that he looks the most like Joe ued to, just Joe Cute off at the legs!! anyway the night was great.. Joe was actually Last years man of the year award recipiant and This years man of the year was Amedeo Rossi.. Amedeo gave a very heart felt speech and the night seemed like the end of an era for some reason.. anyway It was great to see tons of friends and heck even chuck from minneapolis came down to the show!
Ok now yesterday was interesting cause I was running sound for Dave Larson B-day party so Im have a beer before the show starts with Derek Lamber and I look over to the bar and Im like oh shit Dave Im loosing my shit cause thats BOB from PAVEMENT (one of my all time favorite bands) standing at the bar.. And Derek's like oh yeah he lives here and Brian knows him.. Brian is a bartender in ames who in Derek's Andrew W. K cover band who were playing last night and I was like oh Shit.. NExt thing I know Im getting introduce to Bob and his lovely fiance Whitney.. and we are hanging talking Pavement and weddings and Mark Ibold and Sonic Youth and it was fantastic.. we ended up hanging numerous times in the night..

of course I had to send some friends a text about it and my favorite reply had to be from Devin when I said.. "Bob from Pavement now has Collage, and Give it a Try and his Fiance has a Giraffe shirt" all pcc merch and Dev replies back he's also got an Aplication for a Restraining order.. ha ha that was a good one.. but actually He and Whitney were coming to talk to me... there pretty new in town and I think he could see he found a kindred spirit who likes BEER, ROCK N ROLL, and can talk SPORTS!
anyway Good weeked...
oh one more quick note always love when someone sends me a picture on my phone even though I cant get them but sometimes they have a code you can go to the internet and see the photo this is what I got today!

I wont say he the culpret is but Not bad but I have and will probably had way better!
I thought it was funny when i said to Ryan that he looks the most like Joe ued to, just Joe Cute off at the legs!! anyway the night was great.. Joe was actually Last years man of the year award recipiant and This years man of the year was Amedeo Rossi.. Amedeo gave a very heart felt speech and the night seemed like the end of an era for some reason.. anyway It was great to see tons of friends and heck even chuck from minneapolis came down to the show!
Ok now yesterday was interesting cause I was running sound for Dave Larson B-day party so Im have a beer before the show starts with Derek Lamber and I look over to the bar and Im like oh shit Dave Im loosing my shit cause thats BOB from PAVEMENT (one of my all time favorite bands) standing at the bar.. And Derek's like oh yeah he lives here and Brian knows him.. Brian is a bartender in ames who in Derek's Andrew W. K cover band who were playing last night and I was like oh Shit.. NExt thing I know Im getting introduce to Bob and his lovely fiance Whitney.. and we are hanging talking Pavement and weddings and Mark Ibold and Sonic Youth and it was fantastic.. we ended up hanging numerous times in the night..

of course I had to send some friends a text about it and my favorite reply had to be from Devin when I said.. "Bob from Pavement now has Collage, and Give it a Try and his Fiance has a Giraffe shirt" all pcc merch and Dev replies back he's also got an Aplication for a Restraining order.. ha ha that was a good one.. but actually He and Whitney were coming to talk to me... there pretty new in town and I think he could see he found a kindred spirit who likes BEER, ROCK N ROLL, and can talk SPORTS!
anyway Good weeked...
oh one more quick note always love when someone sends me a picture on my phone even though I cant get them but sometimes they have a code you can go to the internet and see the photo this is what I got today!

I wont say he the culpret is but Not bad but I have and will probably had way better!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Nick LOWE does not blow!
So a few year back when Joe T. and I went on tour with Casper and the Cookies we listend to a bunch of Nick Lowe and I totally dug it, it had that cool production of the late 70's and it all had great melodies... but some of the lyrics were brutal! anyway I always loved his work with Elvis Costello and Wreckless Eric.. but I thought I should get some Nick Lowe so I have been downloaded some shit and found 1 album on vinyl and im starting become a Nick Lowe beliver! A lot of people dont know but he wrote the Elvis C. classic "WHATS SO FUNNY BOUT PEACE LOVE AND UNDERSTANDING" but right now Im digging on these gems!
and you know this one
and you know this one
Friday, January 16, 2009
Where have I been all week?

Man sorry to my faithful readers I have been kinda busy this week...
I would like to say I have been watching Hockey (for John) but I havent.. I have mostly just been working and shit!
anyway I did want to post a picture for devin cause I thought he might like it..
I was helping ashley look for pictures for a brochure and I came a cross this doozy!
Oh and happy b-day to LEAH and LADD lots of love to the L's this week!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Now the other day at work I got to enjoy the great youtube video devin sent me for the song "Dirty Water" by the Standels, I always thought the song was so tough and ballsy, but after seeing the video I dont know if I can ever look at it the same..
so since then I have come across fantasticly stupid videos by such pych pop classic as the Electric Prunes and the Seeds but none tops the stupid ness of this classic...
Green Tamborine by the lemon pipers..
wow how did they get away with this shit!
maybe the MONKEES are to blame for all this madness
so since then I have come across fantasticly stupid videos by such pych pop classic as the Electric Prunes and the Seeds but none tops the stupid ness of this classic...
Green Tamborine by the lemon pipers..
wow how did they get away with this shit!
maybe the MONKEES are to blame for all this madness
Friday, January 9, 2009
The Des Moines Register commemorates Buddy Holly and fateful plane crash
Des Moines, IA - The Des Moines Register is commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Winter Dance Party and tragic plane crash that killed Buddy Holly on February 3, 1959.
Buddy Holly: 50 years after the crash that changed rock 'n' roll launched today at DesMoinesRegister.com/BuddyHolly. There you will relive the Buddy Holly era and also find:
* A video tour of the Surf Ballroom including a 360° panoramic view of the backstage green room with wall-to-wall autographs.
* How Buddy Holly, J.P. "Big Bopper" Richardson and Ritchie Valens are still influencing music today.
* An hour-by-hour, mile-by-mile look at the fateful night and plane crash.
* A "Where were you?" feature to share your own memories and read others' memories.
* Exclusive tribute recordings of two Buddy Holly classics by Iowa's own Poison Control Center.
* Myths about the crash, official reports, extended video interviews and more.
The Buddy Holly site is set to launch in early January 9th,
DOWNLOAD 2 PCC Buddy Holly Covers!
P.S. Be sure to watch the Video on the page where the PCC songs are cause I get interviewed one interview after GRAHM Nash who just happens to share a b-day with my little sis!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Well my dad alway used the word Cojer for an old person and I remember him describing Carl Polad as an old Cojer numerous times.. Well that Old Cojer is taking his two world series rings to the great domed stadium in the sky.. with as he pass away.. Thanks for the killer twins teams on small budgets Carl.. I hope your kids spend wisely! Like how about a power hitter.. hopefully some of your devine help with help us win a division title this year!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Just in time Pops!
Well my dad got an Ipod from his kids for christmas (still owe my little sis some $ for it) and he is just in time to get his favorite tunes for the low price of 99 Cents.. But he better hurry as ITUNES will be jacking up some of their prices to a 1.29... Now I have thought about this problem for awhile how can you justify saying, "BORN TO RUN" by the Boss and "LIKE A ROLLING STONE" by Bob Dylan are worth the same price as a 30 second sound snippet off the Poison Control Center's GO GO music show... Seriously.. Who ever came up with a strait price for all songs is an idiot. but who is to say for it has worked for years..
1 thing that I hope comes from this is I hope they keep the Idependent Record label songs at 99 cents and put the Major labels up to 1.29.. might give the indies a little advantage... who knows.. Well you next kick ass mix CD just got a little more exspensive so if someone make one for you,,, they love you 29 cents a song more!
Monday, January 5, 2009
It's the Worst time of the year..

There is nothing worse than the cold, boring months of the end of the Vikings football season to the begining of Twins baseball... and it started yesterday.. I had a great time at the game with Ash, my dad, tom, and cole but dang the vikes didnt show up to play.. The atmostsphere in the dome was electric from the begining.. what a sad sad day...
on an even lower note.. ash and I were on the Indiana Violent and Sex offenders web site and on my former street in indy called GIMBER.. there were 3 sex offenders and 1 murderer... my street was about 4 blocks long too..
geez glad I dont live there anymore...
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Today was a good day!
I didnt even have to use my AK...
ok so I dont have an AK but anyway.. yesterday was great I didnt have to work so I made a video for the song, "It's A Surprise" for the PCC, man it looks so much better on my tv then the damn youtube. upload.. cant stand that shit..
any here it is...
I also had a blast yesterday hanging with Devin in Des Moines we hit up a Guitar Center.. and half priced books.. where he got a jazz record and I picked up FaCe the Music by ELO and a Nick Lowe Vinyl record and I got 3 used Tom Petty Cds.. which are ruled my ride home from Des Moines!
We also hit up some A-dong, and then headed to the Mews for WOLVES IN THE ATTIC's Cd release show... (the cd I recorded last year) and It was a blast.. KEEPERS of the Carpet and Datagun opened and they both played Killer sets, Keepers even coverd Tom Petty which I was totally digging... Datagun is a great band from Iowa City, who work with Killer beats, cool synths, delayed guitar, and great reverby vocals... they put on a hell of a show.. Then Wolves played there tightest show I have seen a really great night filled with friends, brews, and good music... Cant complain!
ok so I dont have an AK but anyway.. yesterday was great I didnt have to work so I made a video for the song, "It's A Surprise" for the PCC, man it looks so much better on my tv then the damn youtube. upload.. cant stand that shit..
any here it is...
I also had a blast yesterday hanging with Devin in Des Moines we hit up a Guitar Center.. and half priced books.. where he got a jazz record and I picked up FaCe the Music by ELO and a Nick Lowe Vinyl record and I got 3 used Tom Petty Cds.. which are ruled my ride home from Des Moines!
We also hit up some A-dong, and then headed to the Mews for WOLVES IN THE ATTIC's Cd release show... (the cd I recorded last year) and It was a blast.. KEEPERS of the Carpet and Datagun opened and they both played Killer sets, Keepers even coverd Tom Petty which I was totally digging... Datagun is a great band from Iowa City, who work with Killer beats, cool synths, delayed guitar, and great reverby vocals... they put on a hell of a show.. Then Wolves played there tightest show I have seen a really great night filled with friends, brews, and good music... Cant complain!
Friday, January 2, 2009
HEY BABY Video by the Poison Control Center
Well now that its 2009 one of my new years goals is to start compiling stuff for a personal project of mine.. Cause in Oct. 2010 the Poison Control Center will be 10 years old... so im going to be digging though the vaults, the songs, the videos, the whole cat a caboodle? what ever that means.. Here is a very old video we did back in early 2006 I think... the audio for the video got screwd up some how.. anyway.. its all a 1 shot video with some fantastic acting by Devin and our buddy Rebecca.. also I love it cause its got Joe's old hair, Don's Mel Gibson esque dead pan and it's recorded in Ashley and I's old apartment...
well I hope you enjoy!
I always loved this song, I think its great, its such a sweet way of asking a girl to have sex with you... Not only do I want to make love but hell LETS MAKE A BABY! I put it up there with the Notorious BIG saying "I see some lady's tonight who, should be having my baby, BABY...
well I hope you enjoy!
I always loved this song, I think its great, its such a sweet way of asking a girl to have sex with you... Not only do I want to make love but hell LETS MAKE A BABY! I put it up there with the Notorious BIG saying "I see some lady's tonight who, should be having my baby, BABY...
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