So Friday night was great. my good ole buddy Jason Holland got married to a cute little Iowan named kendra.. it was a mad party featuring sets by Keepers of the Carpet and Free Gas.. much fun was had.. Free Beer and ash even got to drive Eric Moffits wheels home after I bought him some shots..
well he rode with sami and I and we listened to ELO and it was a blast... it was great seeing old friends the Smith boys and Paul F.. who now works for the Pumpkins..
On saturday I got to play for hundreds of people by myself on the largest mobile stage in the country.. and it was quite fun I must admit.. I was kinda scared shitless but the crowd really was involved and I had an amazing time.. ITs crazy how you can make eye contact with like 100 people at a time at a thing like that.. it was really great. sold some merch and it was a blast nice to have some friends there to watch too. met some wiedos too and some kids I hung with at the kids shelters... love my potty mouth...
then sunday we did some crazy ass yard work, rode bikes, had a few drinks, played some football, made some sandwitches with vegan manayse and watched some Curb... I must admit the weekend was fab
I even agreed with ash to try and do like an hour of yard work a day... ugh.. well today I already raked abit some Im good! hope you are as well!
Must have been a good weekend for yard work!
My mom was in town this weekend and we spent a good part of yesterday outside raking the yard too!
I bet Ash will even hold the cord while you weed-eat.
don't eat weeds!
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