Well this weekend was great.. we headed down to Kansas City and got to hang with the whole fam... minus my older bro but we threw in a BOB from Omaha so that was good.
Never have I been to a baseball game where it snowed but last Saturday night that changed.. it was cold as hell but ash being a true fighter I think enjoyed herself..
And it was so fun seeing the family!
thanks ma and pa for the tickets and food and hotel, and thanks beck, tom, for opening up their home to us!
It was a blast for sure...
since we have got home Spring is here.. Ash got my bike all fixed up yesterday and Im ready to ride. even got me a new seat to protect my balls! As she put it so elequently. We got some more Curb Your Enthusasms last night from the Library and I made some vegan soup..
Got some cool news our buddy Alli from NYC will be here in hang in July and its only a few weeks till ryan anderson comes up to record his next album!
YIPPIE we are busy bees!
happy Tax day everyone!
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