so wow tons of things have happended since we last spoke..
Ash flew to indian for a massage confernence and her plane had to make an emergency landing where they had to clear the run ray of all other planes and stuff.. SO that was super freeky but she made and even got elected as a part of the board of her massage stuff so Im very proud of her..
on my front, I got to hang out with the PCC and our dear friend booking agent Shawn all weekend and it was a blast.. We played the U of M, the Surf Ballroom in Clear lake and First ave in Minneapolis..
2 of 3 which are like dream venues...
At the surf we got to play with FISHBOY, who as you know if you have read my blog are one of my favorite bands in the world and they were so awesome on a real stage with great sound.. oh it was probably the best I have ever seen them play their ROCK OPERA and Joe T. got to play some horn with them and totally nailed his parts I was very proud of them all.. Fishboy is on tour for a bit longer check out their myspace for dates and go see them
Then we headed back up to the cities to rock at First ave with some of our label mates for Afternoon Records 5 year b-day party.. it was such a blast playing that place in front of a bunch of people... so fun..
I want to thank a few people for this weekend..
First the pilot who got ashley there safely.. Big thanks to Shawn for all his help and for coming out here we are so lucky to have him.. thanks to Dane and Lauren for their home, the Myers of Clear lake for their home and our new toys, and a big thanks to Ian for making it all happen for afternoon records!
and to my boys for rocking hard.. and being pretty darn tight!
this clip does not represent our tightness! but its fun to watch