RYAN ANDERSON who wrote and recorded one of the 2007's best "the GALE"
Top 5 songs of the year...
5. Now I havent been into Of Montreal for a few years, but I loved this wonderful little love song about Kevin's Wife and him falling in love! I got to meet Nina a few times and I just think this is totally sweet love song.. Maybe it means more when you have looked these people in the eyes..
Check it out at www.myspace.com/ofmontreal
4. The Underdog by Spoon
I just love the production on this one and it makes me want to stand up from my computer and dance mother fucker dance.. Perfect Pop song.. Don't hear to many of those anymore..
3. Ocean of Noise by the Arcade Fire
This song just killed me from first listen, its probably not even close to being the best song on the cd but this one hit me the most. I'm glad I got to see it live.
2. The Gale by Ryan Anderson
I think this is the best song Ryan has ever written and the production on it is fantastic.. Listen to it in a good pair a bassy headphones and you can hear the sea rolling in to carry you away. Absolutely amazing..
Check out Ryan songs at www.myspace.com/ryananderson
1. Please be Patient With Me by Wilco
I could have picked a bunch of song from this record but again this one stands out to me, It has so much tenderness and warmth and the whole singer admitting he's the one with the problem I liked. no I loved.
BUY ALL these songs individually on Itunes or better yet buy the albums!
This is a fine list! I should have came home and gone to dinner group last night, but alas, I was under a drummers influence. And now my wallet is empty and my spirit crushed. so travel on I must, until I can get an exotic dancer to come home with me!!
oh dear, this blog has just become a big Itunes advertisement...
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