10. Person Pitch by Panda Bear.... The moment I heard a few songs from this album I knew I had to get it. Pure lo-fi psych pop beauty.. It makes me wish OTC would give it another whirl, but this will fill the void for now..
9. I Guess That's What We're Dying For by Chistopher the Conquered.... This self-released record spins around musical styles like a tiltawhirl and just when you feel like it's spinning off the edge it gets pulled back by another wonderful song with amazing horns and piano.. Pretty fucking amazing for some kid from Des Moines names Chris.. Trust me he Conquered!
8. Night Falls Over Kortedala by Jens Lekman...
I must admit I'm a lyrics guy, they can swing a bad sounding song into a blistful serenade.. Jens dosnt have that problem cause his lyrics are fantastic and the timpani swells get me everytime!
7. Hey Venus by Super Furry Animals... This record is not officially out in the states yet but has been availible from Itunes sinces August, and I just started really getting into the record.. Its a concept album about this gal named Venus and its the 8 studio record in a 11 years from SFA.. Not their best but far better than that new Radiohead album everybody worshiping..
6. GA GA GA GA GA by Spoon... Man this band has come along ways. You can just tell they are dripping with confidence on this record, wonderful songs, production and I found the Beatlesque song cycle irresistible. Love that Album cover too.
5. The Garden Path by Ryan Anderson.... Two years in a row that one of Ryan's records has been in my top ten.. This time around he hopped off the train and right into a story about our country present day.. His story songs fucking kill me and shit I am so thankful I'm lucky enough to not only be his biggest fan but a great friend!
4. Pipers at the Gates of Dawn (40th anniversary) by Pink Floyd.... Why you may ask would I put a record that 40 years old on my list.. Because if it came out today it would still be considered a head of its time... FUCKING MIND BLOWING.. in Stereo in Mono in headphones, in a car, on an ipod, no matter where you hear this every moment is exciting.
3. Albatross: How We Failed to Save the Lone Star State with the Power of Rock N Roll by Fishboy... Man this is one of the most exciting non-stop half an hours you will ever experience.. ITs like mixing Jesus Hits Like the Atom Bomb by Tripping Daisy and Airplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel... Lets just say both those albums are some of my all time favorites!
2. Sky Blue Sky by Wilco... Now what can I say about Wilco that has not already been said.. NOTHING.. But the reason this record is so satisfying and wonderful is that Jeff and the gang are making music for people their age.. They are not trying to do a Billy Corgan who keeps making records for 15 year olds with broken hearts.. this is a masterpiece..
1. Neon Bible by the Arcade Fire... I don't know how many people I have gotten into arguments with about which Arcade Fire album is better Neon Bible or Funeral and you know what my conclusion is.. Whats better for you Water or Food.. Seriously they are both needed to survive. and Make life a whole lot easier..
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