Well I wanted to annouce just cause this picture (by woe jilliams) looks like a Presidential canidate picture and because I'm about as aware as atleast Mitt Romney I'm announcing my canidicy for the President of the United States... I will be running as an Independent... John Bachman will be my Vice Presidential running mate (channel 13 des moines news anchor for all the right reasons) and We are for World Peace, Women's rights (cause I cant drive either) Vegitarian living, and Eco friendly mowing... I will be campaigning in IOWA more than any other canidate for the next year... Check me out at a Town Meeting hall near you!
Pat and Ashley-
Thanks for coming down to watch Cole's game. He really appreciated it and we loved seeing you. Merrick was so sad that Ashley left. We hope you made it home safely and didn't get stuck in bad weather the whole way.
john bachman - nice. you sure that guy is down with vegetarian living, though? that guy's a huge steak fanatic if i've ever seen one. not blue-collar steaks, though...he ain't going to order no ribeye, he's going straight for the filet mignon. how good of a driver do you suppose bachman is? i would say he's quite alert, though less alert than he was when he got a bluetooth headset for his cell phone. you think he screens his calls? i bet dave price calls him a lot to hang out but he never answers. you know, you should squeeze ed wilson somewhere into your cabinet. and dan winters could be your press secretary - cause he's young and seems like he has no substance beyond his bitchin' low voice. well, it's not that low.
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