Ok Im glad my pops got to watch the Twins beat up on Milwakee today... It was good to talk to him.. anyway I started thinking about the top five most touching father son moments in movie history and they are....
5. Ralphy in the A Christmas Story helping his dad change the flat tire and him saying the FUDGE WORD and his dad telling him mom and Ralphy getting the bar of soap in the mouth when he got home... thanks a lot Dad!
4. The dad of Damion in the Omen about ready to kill his son on a church alter, but being blown away by cop before it happens so there gets to be 3 more Omen movies!! Thanks a lot dad!
3. Michael Chorlione blowing away the dude responsible for shooting Vito, his Dad.. Don't let a mob guy go to the bathroom alone! thanks son
2. Darth Vader slicing his sons arm off in the Empire Strikes back right after telling him he was his father.. Thanks Dad
1. Luke Slicing his dads arm off in Return of the Jedi... Thanks son!
my dad has been awesome he deserves more than I got him , but the new wilco cd is a pretty great gift!
did you doctor this photo? i can't tell because the computer i'm looking at it on doesn't show any red. either way, the picture looks awesome. if you didn't doctor it, take out all of the red in some photo-doctor program and see for yourself.
what do you think about this idea for a movie, perhaps to hit theaters next father's day: it will be called Back From the Dad, or Night of the Living Dad, or something like that, and will be about a zombie dad. ok, i got nothing else here. zombie dad.
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