I love Phil Spector... I do.. even after reading Ronnie Spector's book, even after knowing he threated to Kill John lennon, even after he killed some b-movie actress...
I think he is amazing, his ear for music is incredible and his musical taiste is as far as I know some of the best ever...
I just listened to George Harrisons All Things Must Pass and it so amazing production wise, Its just intense.. It builds and builds and builds and just fucking slaps you in the face with sound.
Anyway that not what this is about.. its about heroes being dumb asses... here are my top 5.
1. Phil Spector- nice wig buddy
2. Pete Rose- Come on you know you didnt always bet on you teamr to win.. No one would if they were the Reds..
3. Michael Jackson- Dude what happened.. I dont think there is any hope.. Not even a new Vegas Show..
4. Ted Williams-Why would you want to freeze yourself and comeback... The Red Sox won a series without you.. they dont need you.
5. Aaron Hefley- When is that Binary cd going to be done.
A binary album would bring about the end of the world as we know it. It's too powerful. It must be stopped at all costs. The energy required to store that much information could boil the seas. It will fill one ZFS volume of maximum possible size. It will be the great theoretical gray goo of nano-mythology. It will eat your brain, your toes, and your house. A binary album now would confound the great thinkers of our time, who would scratch their thinky brain-holes and whisper to the unknowing: "the ing is near". Now you know why it must remain legend.
Please leave a tip: http://myspace.com/binarypop
He's full of shit.
...and leah knows full of shit. She's from Boone.
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