man Memorial Day, what holiday...
Yesterday Sunday started off out in the yard... Seems lately that everytime ashley gets a second of nothing to do she is out cutting schrub weeds from out fence.. She even cut TOOTIE our niebors rope that holds up her roses I guess,, Shes been all worried about it and I think its hilliarous.. and TOOTIE didnt give two shits either...
Then we played some Tennis and Ashley was kicking my ass untill we actually started keeping score, and then competitive patrick turned it on.. and I felt like PETE SAMPRAS mid 90's if you know what I mean....then Ash and I finally finished writing our wedding cememony.. and its going to be very nice... leaving somethings up to spontanaity.. so should be fun...
But then we had to go meet Dafney where the wedding is going to be at and her place pretty much looked like shit.. WEEDS every where and her grass was about 12 inches tall, she kept saying OH Boy we have some work to do this week, I hope it does not rain.. And Im thinking to myself oh shit its going to raid 3 days this week and my moms going to be out here picking weeds..
Anyway me and Ash decided we were not going to worry about it.. so then we headed to Des Moines,, we were going to catch Joe T. play with Arise Devilfish... so we got there a bit early and walked around the east village and down to the river in downtown. it was very nice.
Heck we even walked into ZZZ Records and the new unreleased PCC album was cranking, it sounded good.. Thanks Ladd for making my day on that one..
So we got down the the Vaude, you know when the show is supposed to start... Nope hour and half later it does.. But it was fun seeing Arise D. I havent seen them in awhile and there drummer was good who I havent seen at all yet...
Anyway. we then had to hurry back up to Ames for Ashleys buddies from Wheatsfield were having a party.. Man there partys are legendary... with the amount of food they have..
So tons of Vegan dips, salads, bread, chips, salsa... and mix that with the cheap beer I brought.. and oh many trouble in the bathroom city all night..But the party did have some great conversations.. But I was made to feel bad cause I was one of the only guys there who had ever seen Ron Jeremy's Penis.. when i was 14 I saw it at Jake Rozemas house... Also the place of the greatest super bowl partys ever... ITs all full circle know....
1 comment:
can't wait for your WEEDING!
bout time you had a new blog up, i've been bored as shit without 'em.
got my Mothers "in it for the money" cd back finally. today will be a good day.
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