man I have been bad again about updating the blog, mostly cause ash has not uploaded our pictures from Orlando yet, I had so much to say about that but to put it short we had an amazing time, and Orlando is pretty rad.
Ok so here is what else is going on...
ASHLey said she Vomited of Rat that was rotten in her stomache during the bachler the other night when he was talking to one of the girls parents I thought that was pretty good..
Saw some really great movies lately
First was FUNNY HA HA, which was an amazing little low budget film that had some incredible acting, check it out if you can
thank to Hogans for letting us have it for awhile...
Also went and saw It's Complicated which I thought would kinda blow, but it was actually really funny and heart touching..
at the dollar theater in ames now...
man so much more going on, but now its 9am and I have to work... more soon oh here is a picture of me and a palm tree in flo-da
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