Man I just got a killer late b-day present from Donald, so much thought and care went in to this one...
Ok so if you have ever been to a PCC show and paid attention to our pre show rituals, (if your doing this get a fucking life, you need help)
You would have probably noticed me going up to Don probably while he was setting up his drums to make my guitar strap as short as it can be so I can have my guitar at about CHIN LEVEL seriously. Usually during this Don roles his eyes at me and makes some comment but lately he has been really nice about this.. Maybe cause we have not been playing as much.. Anyway today Tara stopped by and dropped off my late great b-day present the shortest guitar strap ever! Which has even been personalized by D, and pre measured out secretly by Ashley for him!! HOW FUCKING THOUGHTFUL! and I got a killer Baseball Coffee mug too!
Damn Don Im so thankful! this RULES I can't wait to try it out! WHO WANTS TO BUY ME AN AMERICAN STRAT SO I CAN! Thanks again D you rule! That Destroyer record I got you dont look so good now!
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