Friday, May 22, 2009

Crazy good week so far

Well for the past few days have been in Davenport litterly 2 blocks from the mississippi river and Im haveing a great time rehearsing new songs for the PCC next album.. We came in with 38 demos and we melded the mold down to 20 songs to try and get through as many as possible for a new album!

I have been running in the morning on the river walk and its been delightfuly, cool and really nice..
We have managed to got through about 5 cases of beer in the 3 days we have been here but we have had some help on that from our booking agent shawn and such!
Ive been missing ashley quite a lot and missing my toilet quite a lot.. I dont know why I cant get used to other toilets but this morning at 5 am I hit up the lady's stalls and I had a much better out come!

anyway its been announced again that we will be playing 80/35 on JULY 4th so make plans for independence day!
Im starting a new job in June which Im stoked about!
and there is news about a NEW OLIVIA TREMOR CONTROL album in the works! HOW MUCH WOULD THAT RULE! read here for details..
oh and my buddy robert got a new wild guitar!
I want one too

I predict 10 freak outs from our producer pat "quincy jones" stolley during our recording session.. But I have been pleasantly suprised with how well we have all been getting along! which is quite great!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tell Stolley I still really enjoy Practice Changes. Better than Cats.