well what a blow to me, I have been in Davenport recording our new album and Im at the Coffee shop down the block to check the twins score, and check my email and I come across the news that JAY BENNETT has died if you read this blog you know what a huge fan I am of WILCO and jay bennett is a huge part of that.. I will always remember the first time I saw wilco and I was so amazed by the crazy feedback he could get on the song MISUNDERSTOOD..
the guy was incredible and I hope it was not suicide as I just reported a few days back that he was suing WILCO, for back royalties and something to it didnt feel good to me in my stomach it felt like he was so desperate for money that he would do this like something was wrong, I HOPE Im wrong but I just feel shitty about the whole thing!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Crazy good week so far
Well for the past few days have been in Davenport litterly 2 blocks from the mississippi river and Im haveing a great time rehearsing new songs for the PCC next album.. We came in with 38 demos and we melded the mold down to 20 songs to try and get through as many as possible for a new album!
I have been running in the morning on the river walk and its been delightfuly, cool and really nice..
We have managed to got through about 5 cases of beer in the 3 days we have been here but we have had some help on that from our booking agent shawn and such!
Ive been missing ashley quite a lot and missing my toilet quite a lot.. I dont know why I cant get used to other toilets but this morning at 5 am I hit up the lady's stalls and I had a much better out come!
anyway its been announced again that we will be playing 80/35 on JULY 4th so make plans for independence day!
Im starting a new job in June which Im stoked about!
and there is news about a NEW OLIVIA TREMOR CONTROL album in the works! HOW MUCH WOULD THAT RULE! read here for details..
oh and my buddy robert got a new wild guitar!
I want one too
I predict 10 freak outs from our producer pat "quincy jones" stolley during our recording session.. But I have been pleasantly suprised with how well we have all been getting along! which is quite great!
I have been running in the morning on the river walk and its been delightfuly, cool and really nice..
We have managed to got through about 5 cases of beer in the 3 days we have been here but we have had some help on that from our booking agent shawn and such!
Ive been missing ashley quite a lot and missing my toilet quite a lot.. I dont know why I cant get used to other toilets but this morning at 5 am I hit up the lady's stalls and I had a much better out come!
anyway its been announced again that we will be playing 80/35 on JULY 4th so make plans for independence day!
Im starting a new job in June which Im stoked about!
and there is news about a NEW OLIVIA TREMOR CONTROL album in the works! HOW MUCH WOULD THAT RULE! read here for details..
oh and my buddy robert got a new wild guitar!
I want one too
I predict 10 freak outs from our producer pat "quincy jones" stolley during our recording session.. But I have been pleasantly suprised with how well we have all been getting along! which is quite great!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Des Moines Social Club Subjective Circus

Wow i had the most fantastic night last night at the Des Moines Social Club's Subjective Circus.. It was a wonderful event filled with Music, Art, Ballet, Painted Naked People, Clowns, Balloon Animals, Circus games, WWF style wrestling with Ring, and some many other great treats including 1 dollar Grain Belts for the bands..
I had a blast playing under the stars and am totally stoked to be going to record this week.. here is a pic of me probably saying something not to important from the stage!
if your in Des Moines seriously go check out the social club its rules! Hell take yoga class or belly dancing!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Awkward phone MOMENT
So I had to renew a couple WOODY ALLEN FILMS from the Library cause I had watched the 2nd one yet and I was on the phone with an older lady librian type and she got my info and said I could renew.. What Selection i would like to renew.. and fucking only had 2 movies out but she WANTED me to feel stupid so I was like "SHADOWS and FOG" and A MID SUMMERNIGHT another WOODY ALLEN MOVIE then she says do you mean A MIDSummer Night SEX COMEDY and I was like ah ah yeah 2 woody allen movies then she like WILL GET THOSE RENEWED FOR YOU .. it was wierd I felt like i had rented A PORN or something oh geez.. Those librianans get you every time
Early Contender ALBUM OF THE YEAR!

Well its a bit early and this record might not really even see the light of day but DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL a collaboration between Danger Mouse/Sparklehorse/and DAVID LYNCH? Is incredible it features collaborations with tons of Musical Studs including James Mercer of The Shins, The Flaming Lips, Gruff Rhys of Super Furry Animals, Jason Lytle of Grandaddy, Julian Casablancas of The Strokes, Frank Black of the Pixies, Iggy Pop, Nina Persson of The Cardigans, Suzanne Vega, Vic Chesnutt, and Scott Spillane of Neutral Milk Hotel and The Gerbils.
After listening is like a killer mix cd with amazing production.. I love the song that GRUFF RHYS sings cause its total Classic super furry animals.. and its good to here Julian Casablancas of the Stokes in action again and damn the Iggy Pop song is fucking rocking! I hope EMI lets this record see the light of day cause its amazing!
YOU CAN STREAM THE WHOLE THING AT NPR get on it! You will get your moneys worth...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
new WILCO album!
Ames pulls head out of its ass with CHEAP BEER!

Ok one thing Iowa City has always had over Ames is there BEER Specials.. Ames has finally caught on.. It all started with 1 dollar pint night at OLD MAIN, with them serving up there home made micro brews for a buck.. The next thing you know all of Down Town is selling beers for a buck on Wed. NIght to compete now its moved into campus town.. Where Headliners (old peoples) is having CLASSIC beer cans for a Buck on Wed. (Shlitz, PBR, HAMM's, and OLD STYLE), Micky's has 1 dollar pints, and now CAPONE's which I have never been in has 75 cent mugs and KAROKE on Wed.. Whats going on AMes... I know you must compete for the Wed Night market but WHY don't We split these night up and everybody take a night for the 1 dollar brew! CHEAP asses like MYSELF and MY FRIENDS would much appriciate it too.. And buisness owner would dig it as well that there clients were consistanly drunk instead of just the wasted THURSDAY MORNING.. still way to go ames on figuring out the secret of a special!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Minorcan Album Cover!

Yep Minorcan or as some of you may know him/them my great friend RYAN ANDERSON new album will probably drop sometime this fall, and it will probably drop on an all vinyl/digital label and it will be awesome as is the album ART which was created by ryan's wonderful wife Jennifer! check it out.. THEY WILL BE SCREEN PRINTED VINYL COVERS!
its looks great!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Congrats dev
Well my good old pal just finished his MASTERS to day...
CONGRATS DEVIN! Along with Bill, and Lynn I salute you and am very proud!
You are a master of disaster!
dig on....
CONGRATS DEVIN! Along with Bill, and Lynn I salute you and am very proud!
You are a master of disaster!
dig on....
New Twins seats

Yeah next year Im going to enjoy as much Out door baseball as possible and my dad just got our new season ticks for the new stadiam up there up a little higher off the field then our old ones but just to the righ of HOME PLATE with a view of downtown Minneapolis in the back ground how sweet is that! movin to minneapolis sounds better then ever...
just kidding ames homies!
Its pretty rocking.. maybe I will get an up close and personaly viewing in July when they rock des moines!
Sami V. happy B. Day

A big old shout out to Sami on her 22nd birthday.. Man how do little kids grow up so fast! Sami your a doll and thank you for being a friend!
I got sami this discusting looking shot that James finch created.. all i know it was some GREEN hard liquor into a blue moon. uck speeking of uck
ON a side note Ashley just screemed cause she dropped the tooth paiste and it catapolted in to the toilet off the sink!
New CTC Video
Here is a little video I shot of Christopher the Conquered at Ames Progressive... he's rocking with his band in this one! the band is great and is kinda super group! Brandon-who was in the Envy Corps for awhile on drums, Nate from about 10 other bands and runs the Ames progresssive on horn, and the great Kate Kennedy on Sax.. ENJOY this is one of my faves from his upcoming album I helped record!
Christopher the Conquered Live @ The Ames Progressive Office! from TAPES FOR LIFE on Vimeo.
LATE mothers day love

Well Im glad I got to talk to my mom on Mothers day, she is the greatest and I love her so, and her and my pops probably shaped me more than any people I know so I just wanted to give a huge loveing should out to my ma! (NOT that she knows how to tune on a computer)
She is absolutely lovely and I hope her little foot heal good, she just had surgery from kicking my dad in the ass.. just kidding
Monday, May 11, 2009
One For the Team on YOU AINT NO PICASSO! FIlm by ME!
Hey Matt from the amazing blog
where I spend atleast 15 minutes a day has posted my most recent little musical film I shot for the great band ONE FOR THE TEAM out of Mineapolis..
One For the Team invited us in to their lovely little apartment in downtown Minneapolis for an exclusive performance of their wonderful new pop gem, "Best Supporting Actress" from their third studio album, “Build A Garden,”
They played the tune on their kitchen table steps away from where the original version of the song was recorded in Ian Anderson's bedroom. Grace and Ian also took us for a little walk over a Stone Arch bridge into beautiful downtown Minneapolis! Enjoy the pure pop magic.
for more info visit
or check out orginal post at
where I spend atleast 15 minutes a day has posted my most recent little musical film I shot for the great band ONE FOR THE TEAM out of Mineapolis..
Best Supporting Actress by ONE FOR THE TEAM from TAPES FOR LIFE on Vimeo.
One For the Team invited us in to their lovely little apartment in downtown Minneapolis for an exclusive performance of their wonderful new pop gem, "Best Supporting Actress" from their third studio album, “Build A Garden,”
They played the tune on their kitchen table steps away from where the original version of the song was recorded in Ian Anderson's bedroom. Grace and Ian also took us for a little walk over a Stone Arch bridge into beautiful downtown Minneapolis! Enjoy the pure pop magic.
for more info visit
or check out orginal post at
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Times aint nothing like they used to be!
Well it was kinda sad to see that Jay Bennitt is sueing his former parters in crime WILCO.. I just feel bad its 50,000 dollars and to me it just seems like maybe he's like everyone else and needs some money and this seems like some lawer was like well man they owe you! I hope it turns out fine.. and hope they can remember happier times like this beauty from ten years ago in aug! WHICH is also the first time I ever saw Wilco live Aug. 21, 1999 opening for R.E.M for 35 bucks.. now that was a show!
Animal Collective live
So I dig what I have heard from that new Animal Collective cd..
here they are on letterman..
But I must say I feel a little sad they are getting so Big and probably rich and this band never got the riches for the psych pop amazingness.....
well the new Circulatory System is coming out in August! maybe they can take the baton from the Animal boys!
here they are on letterman..
But I must say I feel a little sad they are getting so Big and probably rich and this band never got the riches for the psych pop amazingness.....
well the new Circulatory System is coming out in August! maybe they can take the baton from the Animal boys!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
BRAD aint BAD!
this is pretty funny and got me through atleat a minute and a half of my work day...
thanks brad!
or should I say nic
thanks brad!
or should I say nic
Mothers day is rough
man ash and I were going to cover a song for mothers day but its getting down to the nitty gritty and then I said I would just rather write one.. but writing a tune for my mom, ash's and ash's step mom has become a little harder then I wanted it to be.. I think my creative juices might be tapped on this project..
oh well..
could always cover one of these gems yet....
I covered mother by john lennon when I played solo last year on mothers day.. brought house down! AHHHHHHH wanted you.. ok maybe it didnt..
or maybe even
well I better get on it right when i get home cause I wanna watch VAN MORRISON on LENO tonight
oh well..
could always cover one of these gems yet....
I covered mother by john lennon when I played solo last year on mothers day.. brought house down! AHHHHHHH wanted you.. ok maybe it didnt..
or maybe even
well I better get on it right when i get home cause I wanna watch VAN MORRISON on LENO tonight
Tuesday.. after....dark
Well last evening was interesting to say the least! I saw indie rock legend BOB Nastanavich on Channel 13 news talking about making horse raceing bets! it was hilarious and I lost my shit! then ashley started talking about this dude she saw on the street who looked as she said, "PRISON RIPPED" and his stomache looked like it had 6 Filet Minons on it.. and she was wondering how she would defend herself if she ever got attacked! She was funny cause she was like I think if I could get him on his Stomache I could step on his balls from behind? who thinks about this stuff..
More importantly I have been seeing that great commercial with Morgan Freeman narrating over TUESDAY AFTERNOON from the Moody Blues and I love that song but I started to wonder what my top 5 favorote Mooday Blues songs are...
well down to buisness here we go..
Renee's Shoreline top 5 Moody Blues songs....
1. GO NOW-This is an early one and I love the desending piano chords, and the piano solo, and its pure british white boy soul.. What a perfect song
2. Your Wildest Dreams-I know your thinking what and 80's Moody Blues song, yeah well you cant deny when againg rockers have a hit and you can deny thi songs amazing melody and killer lyrics wish i could post the real video but Capital records sucks!
3. Question- man this one is a doozy killer production, weird back up vocals, speedy acoustic guitar, awesome drum fills and that breakdown in the middle kills! The I'm LOOKING FOR A MIRACLE IN MY LIFE part kills! I once coverd this song, it was actually in the first ever solo show i played At GABES in Iowa city opening for Kathryn Musilek.. lets just say My hand smells like breast followed by this.. no way she could win!
4. Dawn is a Fealing- this is a psych pop masterpiece from Days of Futures Past oh it kills the London Philharmonic takes the cake on this one. Love the line Dawn is a Feeling a beautiful Cieling. Smoke on joint on that one!
5. Another Morning! Well my number 5 song is totally Another Morning off of Days of Future Passed.. why it songs like the best kinks song they never wrote, and its a great track 3 on an album.. But fricken YOUTUBE got me by the balls on this one.. so I will share the Moody Blues amazing performance of NIGHTS IN WHITE SATIN from the Isle of White Fest from 1970.. they dont need all that crazy strings to rock!.. hope you enjoyed! my top 5 Moody Blues tunes.. Sorry ash No TUESDAY AFTERNOON!
More importantly I have been seeing that great commercial with Morgan Freeman narrating over TUESDAY AFTERNOON from the Moody Blues and I love that song but I started to wonder what my top 5 favorote Mooday Blues songs are...
well down to buisness here we go..
Renee's Shoreline top 5 Moody Blues songs....
1. GO NOW-This is an early one and I love the desending piano chords, and the piano solo, and its pure british white boy soul.. What a perfect song
2. Your Wildest Dreams-I know your thinking what and 80's Moody Blues song, yeah well you cant deny when againg rockers have a hit and you can deny thi songs amazing melody and killer lyrics wish i could post the real video but Capital records sucks!
3. Question- man this one is a doozy killer production, weird back up vocals, speedy acoustic guitar, awesome drum fills and that breakdown in the middle kills! The I'm LOOKING FOR A MIRACLE IN MY LIFE part kills! I once coverd this song, it was actually in the first ever solo show i played At GABES in Iowa city opening for Kathryn Musilek.. lets just say My hand smells like breast followed by this.. no way she could win!
4. Dawn is a Fealing- this is a psych pop masterpiece from Days of Futures Past oh it kills the London Philharmonic takes the cake on this one. Love the line Dawn is a Feeling a beautiful Cieling. Smoke on joint on that one!
5. Another Morning! Well my number 5 song is totally Another Morning off of Days of Future Passed.. why it songs like the best kinks song they never wrote, and its a great track 3 on an album.. But fricken YOUTUBE got me by the balls on this one.. so I will share the Moody Blues amazing performance of NIGHTS IN WHITE SATIN from the Isle of White Fest from 1970.. they dont need all that crazy strings to rock!.. hope you enjoyed! my top 5 Moody Blues tunes.. Sorry ash No TUESDAY AFTERNOON!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
MICK Jagger in Ames tonight!
Ok I stole this article from the Des Moines Register, but its cool cause me and Kyle Munson are homies.. thanks to Woe Jilliams for the tip...
I want to go over, but I GOT NO EXSPECTATIONS of actually meeting Mick... But I might just have a my 19TH NERVOUS BREAKDOWN IF I DO!
read on...
From entertainment editor Kyle Munson:
Is it an elaborate hoax or truly one of the more surprising restaurant reservations of the year? Will Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones end up chomping a hamburger tonight in Ames?
Tracy Drury, general manager at Hickory Park in Ames, confirmed today that her restaurant is holding an evening reservation for Jagger and his entourage.
“In 40 years we’ve never had a hoax call,” said Drury, whose popular dining spot on South Duff Avenue with a giant menu of smoked meats, sandwiches and ice cream has previously served the likes of Harrison Ford and Rudy Giuliani. Her restaurant last week also was named as site of one of the 50 best burgers in the nation by Food Network Magazine, for its “Garbage Burger” topped with ham and sauerkrat. According to Drury, Jagger is at least partially tracing the path of that burger list.
Drury said that the alleged Jagger party initially contacted Hickory Park to reserve a private room for the evening, but the restaurant doesn’t include private rooms. So a few tables have been reserved.
“There’s nothing private about Hickory Park,” Drury said.
The Jagger party supposedly will call the restaurant when they get close to Ames, in lieu of a precise dinner time.
“If he does, he does,” was Drury’s ultimate attitude on the likelihood of Jagger walking through her restaurant’s door tonight.
Monday, May 4, 2009

Well my nephew COLE is 11 today.. He is such a little stud and he is totally awesome and i wish I could see him more...
The big guy got something I always wanted and that a batting cage in my back yard.. Man talk about fun! Im looking forward to getting to throw some batting practice to him sometime soon! Cole is the best and I loved that he was born in sibley while i was still there so I got to spend some fantastic early moments of his life with him.. One of my favorite personal memories is after his baptism I was holding him and he took the hugest diaria on his uncle Pat! that poor little white outfit and my poor CORNERSHOP t-shirt! Lets just say I hit the shower during the party!
Anyway COLE We love you and your present will be in the mail today..!
Speaking of Batting cages Ash and I played catch this weekend and my arm feels like its going to fall off!
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