Monday, April 6, 2009

Opening Day!

Yeah one of my favorite holidays of the year! Major League Baseball opening day! For the next few months there is always somethin to do wether it be listen to a game, watch one, check the stats, see the rumors, and pray for my Twinkies...
Mind you it does not feel like Summer yet..
AMES has 6 inches of snow yesterday.. its sucked..
Next year at this time I hope I have my winter coat on sitting in the new Twins Stadiam.. TARGET Field!
anyway.. I predict the Twins are going to win their division this year..
I hope they win 94 games!
go get em boys!


Ryan said...

Well, perhaps they'll be meeting my Cubbies in the series...

Ashley said...

I have a Twins shirt on under my work clothes! Hot dogs and sunflower seeds for us tonight! Go Twins.