Monday, March 9, 2009

Digital TV RULES!

What a long weekend..
man Friday I had the day off and it was good, but not great.. was pretty bored most of the day but it was nice out so I went around to the guitar shops and went down to Des Moines with ash to get her hair cut..
nothing to exciting when ash was done with work.. We tried to do our first run though of the film short film we wrote, and it was a good run through but I think our lighting was a hair off and We want to shoot it in one take.. so we didnt get the keeper but the footage looks good so we are excited about that...

on Friday night we went to Mara B-day party at what I call the wheatfield house.. where 5 wheatsfielders live and it was great cause there is always great food so I chommped on some chips and salsa and drank some Grain Belt.. the party was nice except I got into a debate about WOODY ALLEN with a non wheatsfielder.. Oh well.. his lost that he dosnt like him..
On saturday work blew chuncks! then we went out with Sami and Eric and Ashley lost her Diabetic meeter and Welch ave we think.. so she spanking when we got home... But it was fun hanging with those guys..

then sunday was a pretty lazy day, BUT WE DID GET OUR digital TV coupon which ruled cause now I have like 4 pbs stations Ash did lots of studying yesterday since she has gone back to school (gosh that makes me feel rediculous she going for her like third degree a bunch of my pals are in grad school and I couldnt even get through 2 years of DMACC) anyway.. last night we watched two more WOODY film they were Crimes and Misdimeaners and Husbands and Wives.. I definately think Crimes is my least favorite yet but still great.. and Husbands and Wives was faboulious..

Now ash is sick in bed with a sore throat and fever.. poor girl..
man what boring post this one..

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