and thats my goal!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Well Im getting my ass kicked in the NCAA Bracket Poll im in for my nephew's baseball team.. I think Im in 87th place of like 110 people... ANYWAY i just want to take this opportunity to show excitement because Im still beating these 2....

and thats my goal!
and thats my goal!
Monday, March 30, 2009
PAY WHAT YOU WANT.. to good to be true!

hello friends,
I hope this message finds you well,
if you are internet savvy and would like to get some music for whatever price you want head over to afternoon records for
This Week's Pay-What-You-Want-Special: Poison Control Center - "Glory Us"
thats right you get to pick the price.. throw in 5 bucks throw in 5 cents.. it doesnt matter how great is that!
1. Glory Us
2. Upper Darby
3 I never Saw It
4. When We Break Down
5. Monument
6. All She Wrote
the Glory Us ep has some of my favorite PCC songs..
hope you like
man this weekend was fun, threw the tape machine in the van and headed down to des moines to record the band formaly known as STUCK WITH ARTHUR.. new name coming with new band sound.. its was pretty great we recorded 8 songs completely in 2, 12 hour days, and they were very sweet to me and fed me with PBR's, Mexican, Chineese, and bannana's sounds like an amazing weeknd. Although Im tired as shit. and I found out i have to work 46 hours this week at the gym.. oh god if im going to slit my wrist this is going to be the week.. anyway.. I dug the bands new tunes and they were all really great to work with..
now onto work..
this is how chris described the weekend....
now onto work..
this is how chris described the weekend....
Thursday, March 26, 2009
is FLEMINGS LAW contegious!
I witnessed one of the most hillious things ever today..
Lets just say some old pot smelly guy came to our door wanting to trim some trees.. weve had a branch stuck up in the tree so we gave the guy the benifet of the doubt..
ashley asks him if he has insurance the guys says dont need it for this..
he's says it will only cost 10 bucks to get the branch down.. so we agree.. next thing i know he throwing a wrench up into our tree to try and pull it down. next thing I know hes on my ladder sawing it down next thing I know is IM GLAD WE DONT Have cable cause down comes part of the brach and the CABLE WIRE HOOKED to the telepole and our house next thing I know hes on the phone with his son telling him to stop selling pot next thing I know.. we are now locking our doors!
oh wish I had the camera rolling Cause I was losing my shit watchin this guy!
oh well this video by deerhoof rules!
Eaguru Guru
Lets just say some old pot smelly guy came to our door wanting to trim some trees.. weve had a branch stuck up in the tree so we gave the guy the benifet of the doubt..
ashley asks him if he has insurance the guys says dont need it for this..
he's says it will only cost 10 bucks to get the branch down.. so we agree.. next thing i know he throwing a wrench up into our tree to try and pull it down. next thing I know hes on my ladder sawing it down next thing I know is IM GLAD WE DONT Have cable cause down comes part of the brach and the CABLE WIRE HOOKED to the telepole and our house next thing I know hes on the phone with his son telling him to stop selling pot next thing I know.. we are now locking our doors!
oh wish I had the camera rolling Cause I was losing my shit watchin this guy!
oh well this video by deerhoof rules!
Eaguru Guru
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
day off!
not to shabby of a day off my first in awhile.. got much work done on the film..
had lunch with ash at wheatsfield got my 10th punch at the coffee shop free SOY LATTE coming my way!
They have 12 pack cans of Grain Belt at Wheatsfield now too.. thats sweet! Super stoked to Record Stuck with Arthur this weekend in Des Moines and I got this lovely picture from Donald

now that makes me want to eat a buffizzle
had lunch with ash at wheatsfield got my 10th punch at the coffee shop free SOY LATTE coming my way!
They have 12 pack cans of Grain Belt at Wheatsfield now too.. thats sweet! Super stoked to Record Stuck with Arthur this weekend in Des Moines and I got this lovely picture from Donald

now that makes me want to eat a buffizzle
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Wedding bell blues
much to the dismay of every now 30 year old man.. WINNIE COOPER got married in real life..
Probably the first love of most dudes my age.. BUt I always wanted her to be with KEVIN he deserved her.. and it killed me in the last ever episode when he did not end up with Winnie.. Man tv life is hard!
well now she some famous math lady and thats a total turn off too!
Ha.. it was cool to see that BECKY SLATER kevins other girlfriend on the show was her real life maid of honor! now thats good tv!
so long winnie!
Probably the first love of most dudes my age.. BUt I always wanted her to be with KEVIN he deserved her.. and it killed me in the last ever episode when he did not end up with Winnie.. Man tv life is hard!
well now she some famous math lady and thats a total turn off too!
Ha.. it was cool to see that BECKY SLATER kevins other girlfriend on the show was her real life maid of honor! now thats good tv!
so long winnie!
New Videos
well geez I want to post this amazing video of my wonderful neice Merrick ridding her back with out training wheels but I guess I cant steel beckys vids so go to her blog and check it out. it made my day this on the other hand does not...
just kidding
thanks to KCCI news Channel 8 for the video
I think the best part of this video is the censorship of the work Fuck ofcourse but I think they thought I said When lovers Fuck they dont make a sound..
cause thats censored to but what I actually say is when lovers fall they dont make a sound..
FCC got me by the balls!
just kidding
thanks to KCCI news Channel 8 for the video
I think the best part of this video is the censorship of the work Fuck ofcourse but I think they thought I said When lovers Fuck they dont make a sound..
cause thats censored to but what I actually say is when lovers fall they dont make a sound..
FCC got me by the balls!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Finally done with work for the week
Man Im not use to this shit of working everyday!
anyway this week saw des moines become a hot bed for music and I didnt get to partake in any of it..
sucks to be me,
Bonnie Prince Billy, Devochka, Ben Folds, etc.. No patrick..
oh well..
I got lots done on the movie but then lost the script on the work computer.. fudge,,
Then my sis beck sent out request for march madness poll for Coles baseball time.. i was happy to join, for ten bucks.. BUT DAMN I was thinking of BILL FRANK and put ILLINOIS in my final 4!
so much for that!
tommorow I head to Minneapolis with ash.. its good to get out of town for a bit!
sad sad week!
anyway this week saw des moines become a hot bed for music and I didnt get to partake in any of it..
sucks to be me,
Bonnie Prince Billy, Devochka, Ben Folds, etc.. No patrick..
oh well..
I got lots done on the movie but then lost the script on the work computer.. fudge,,
Then my sis beck sent out request for march madness poll for Coles baseball time.. i was happy to join, for ten bucks.. BUT DAMN I was thinking of BILL FRANK and put ILLINOIS in my final 4!
so much for that!
tommorow I head to Minneapolis with ash.. its good to get out of town for a bit!
sad sad week!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
give me 1 more time...
I must have missd one of my favorite little irish men on my favorite show two weeks back
Da Patrick!
Ok so last night I was in bed talking to ash and I was making a joke about how funny a skit would be with a little Horny Leprican saying do you want to KISS my BLARNEY BONE!
You know instead of the Blarney Stone, that you kiss for good luck if your irish..
anyway she thought it was pretty good..
But that made me think OHHHHHHHH DAAAAA
thats why that lady said it was my lucky day tommorow.. since I used my Debit card she knew my name was PATRICK.. and its St. Patrick day.. DAAAA
It was a great epiphany before I hit the hay!
but just to be sure I did go buy a lottery ticket today!
and now nothing like a little WEEN to make you feel irish!
got a call from my folks today.. wishing me a happy st. patty how nice of them!
long live the irish!
You know instead of the Blarney Stone, that you kiss for good luck if your irish..
anyway she thought it was pretty good..
But that made me think OHHHHHHHH DAAAAA
thats why that lady said it was my lucky day tommorow.. since I used my Debit card she knew my name was PATRICK.. and its St. Patrick day.. DAAAA
It was a great epiphany before I hit the hay!
but just to be sure I did go buy a lottery ticket today!
and now nothing like a little WEEN to make you feel irish!
got a call from my folks today.. wishing me a happy st. patty how nice of them!
long live the irish!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Twins Clubhouse!
Weird day so far
Ok so one of my lovely wifes clients showed up like an hour early today and she was in another session with a different client and I answerd the door in my PJ pants and my FRANK ZAPPA shirt, my hair messy since it was like 8 in the morning.. and I was like ah hi come on in, aparently he then left cause he figured out he was an hour early.. But thats not the funny part he asked Ashley when he came back if Her SON answered the door?
what the fuck how old did i look 13? and I want to meet some 13 year olds with Grey hair who like FRANK fucking Zappa!
then I was just at Hy-vee getting a vegan cookie and a bottle of water before work and the lady in the check out line said, as I was leaving, "tommorows your lucky day" and I thought to myself what the fuck does that mean? I guess I dont know but maybe tommorow I should apply for some new jobs, or buy some lottery tickets, or try to write some new songs?
well when I got to work I was happy to see the new bob dylan album (his 47th) is coming out soon and there was a new Camera Obscura video on Pitchforktv! its beautiful, and so is the song.. cant wait for this album there last one was one of my favorites from a few years back!...
check it out!
what the fuck how old did i look 13? and I want to meet some 13 year olds with Grey hair who like FRANK fucking Zappa!
then I was just at Hy-vee getting a vegan cookie and a bottle of water before work and the lady in the check out line said, as I was leaving, "tommorows your lucky day" and I thought to myself what the fuck does that mean? I guess I dont know but maybe tommorow I should apply for some new jobs, or buy some lottery tickets, or try to write some new songs?
well when I got to work I was happy to see the new bob dylan album (his 47th) is coming out soon and there was a new Camera Obscura video on Pitchforktv! its beautiful, and so is the song.. cant wait for this album there last one was one of my favorites from a few years back!...
check it out!
Flashback, Flashback, Flashback

Last night was great.. two of the greatest college DJ's were back last night for a 2002 KURE re-union of sorts..
Carl and Chris C. Dj'ed last night and it was wonderful to hear all this great British music from Nuggets up to present day..
So cool to hear voices on the radio that are embeded in your mind and you know right when you turn on the station who the DJ is..
Ofcourse I knew it was Carl's show but it was great I was in the car and I was like thats not Carl that's Chris..
Chris is now a proud PAPA too which make him djing on a sunday night even cooler.. great show guys!
We took it a bit easy this weekend with Ash still on the mend from Broncitus, but we did get out and enjoy the weather some and rode bikes to ADa Haden and got a great deal of work on our film done..
We even went and worked on the new WHEATSFIELD store for a bit on Sunday!
the new store opens on Wed..
Cant wait!
Hopefully I can go in there and get a nice VEGAN SOUP after a St. Patty's hang over!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Way better than Mr. Phoenix
Well ash went to the doc.. Looks like a little BRONCITUS in the house!
so I have been calling her SICKY..
I think she likes it!
I found a couple of stage fights that are way better that mr. phoenix
but I like it better when bands beat themselves up..
LIKE our Dear POISON CONTROL CENTER in Athens, 2005!
sorry about this one dev..
so I have been calling her SICKY..
I think she likes it!
I found a couple of stage fights that are way better that mr. phoenix
but I like it better when bands beat themselves up..
LIKE our Dear POISON CONTROL CENTER in Athens, 2005!
sorry about this one dev..
Thursday, March 12, 2009
He's back
my favorite part is when he says "I got a million dollars in my bank account what do you got!"
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Digital TV RULES!
What a long weekend..
man Friday I had the day off and it was good, but not great.. was pretty bored most of the day but it was nice out so I went around to the guitar shops and went down to Des Moines with ash to get her hair cut..
nothing to exciting when ash was done with work.. We tried to do our first run though of the film short film we wrote, and it was a good run through but I think our lighting was a hair off and We want to shoot it in one take.. so we didnt get the keeper but the footage looks good so we are excited about that...
on Friday night we went to Mara B-day party at what I call the wheatfield house.. where 5 wheatsfielders live and it was great cause there is always great food so I chommped on some chips and salsa and drank some Grain Belt.. the party was nice except I got into a debate about WOODY ALLEN with a non wheatsfielder.. Oh well.. his lost that he dosnt like him..
On saturday work blew chuncks! then we went out with Sami and Eric and Ashley lost her Diabetic meeter and Welch ave we think.. so she spanking when we got home... But it was fun hanging with those guys..
then sunday was a pretty lazy day, BUT WE DID GET OUR digital TV coupon which ruled cause now I have like 4 pbs stations Ash did lots of studying yesterday since she has gone back to school (gosh that makes me feel rediculous she going for her like third degree a bunch of my pals are in grad school and I couldnt even get through 2 years of DMACC) anyway.. last night we watched two more WOODY film they were Crimes and Misdimeaners and Husbands and Wives.. I definately think Crimes is my least favorite yet but still great.. and Husbands and Wives was faboulious..
Now ash is sick in bed with a sore throat and fever.. poor girl..
man what boring post this one..
man Friday I had the day off and it was good, but not great.. was pretty bored most of the day but it was nice out so I went around to the guitar shops and went down to Des Moines with ash to get her hair cut..
nothing to exciting when ash was done with work.. We tried to do our first run though of the film short film we wrote, and it was a good run through but I think our lighting was a hair off and We want to shoot it in one take.. so we didnt get the keeper but the footage looks good so we are excited about that...
on Friday night we went to Mara B-day party at what I call the wheatfield house.. where 5 wheatsfielders live and it was great cause there is always great food so I chommped on some chips and salsa and drank some Grain Belt.. the party was nice except I got into a debate about WOODY ALLEN with a non wheatsfielder.. Oh well.. his lost that he dosnt like him..
On saturday work blew chuncks! then we went out with Sami and Eric and Ashley lost her Diabetic meeter and Welch ave we think.. so she spanking when we got home... But it was fun hanging with those guys..
then sunday was a pretty lazy day, BUT WE DID GET OUR digital TV coupon which ruled cause now I have like 4 pbs stations Ash did lots of studying yesterday since she has gone back to school (gosh that makes me feel rediculous she going for her like third degree a bunch of my pals are in grad school and I couldnt even get through 2 years of DMACC) anyway.. last night we watched two more WOODY film they were Crimes and Misdimeaners and Husbands and Wives.. I definately think Crimes is my least favorite yet but still great.. and Husbands and Wives was faboulious..
Now ash is sick in bed with a sore throat and fever.. poor girl..
man what boring post this one..
Saturday, March 7, 2009
shall we dance
well shall we be getting our tickets to england now for this..............
I think we should!
ps next time my mom asks me why my pants are so short, I will tell her to watch this!
I think we should!
ps next time my mom asks me why my pants are so short, I will tell her to watch this!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Enjoying life..
So yesterday I had the day off and I was definately enjoying life,
did some filming,
got to watch two excellent movies..
WOODY ALLEN's "HANNA and HER SISTERS" which was the most serious woody film I have ever seen and then I also watch the indie film "Me and You, and Everyone we Know" which was also great!
I got a nice phone call from Eric Moffit of Wolves in the Attic at 8:15 this morning, he was very excited he had just done a phone interview with an Italian Radio Station about their new album.. I was stoked for him, but my first question was what the fuck are you doing calling me at 8:15 in the morning.. I guess he knew I was probably his only friend who had been up for two hours!
also I have been enjoying the new U2 songs they have been perfoming on Letterman.. I dont think I have heard a new classic but I can say all the songs I have seen are quite good for some ageless rockers...
like last nights..
but what I really long for from them is this...
did some filming,
got to watch two excellent movies..
WOODY ALLEN's "HANNA and HER SISTERS" which was the most serious woody film I have ever seen and then I also watch the indie film "Me and You, and Everyone we Know" which was also great!
I got a nice phone call from Eric Moffit of Wolves in the Attic at 8:15 this morning, he was very excited he had just done a phone interview with an Italian Radio Station about their new album.. I was stoked for him, but my first question was what the fuck are you doing calling me at 8:15 in the morning.. I guess he knew I was probably his only friend who had been up for two hours!
also I have been enjoying the new U2 songs they have been perfoming on Letterman.. I dont think I have heard a new classic but I can say all the songs I have seen are quite good for some ageless rockers...
like last nights..
but what I really long for from them is this...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
To Celebrate Afternoon Records 50th release, the crew over at Afternoon have released the Digital Only Comp. HAIL ON! Which is for sale for the very very small price of 10 dollars! And you get 50 tracks, one from each of the fantastic releases on Afternoon Records.. There are 4 PCC songs featured on HAIL ON.. They are Glory Us, Make Love a Star, Magic Circle, and Give It A Try...
This is a fantastic way to learn more about a fantastic indie record label..
You can get all 50 songs here..
HAIL ON... Afternoon Records 50 song comp!
and for more info check out...
Afternoon Records
By the way the Besties and Christopher the Conquered were amazing last night in Boone! What a fun show! Everyone at the ELEPHUNGUN is great, and hell Harry Nielson's daughter even showed up!
Go see the Besties tonight in Des Moines
Monday, March 2, 2009
Now I usually dont knock bands, and I can honestly say except for most PHIL COLLINS projects i like something about Most the music i hear.. seriously.. But I have to say this band the VIVIAN GIRLs that is getting some much press and hype.. are just AWFUL! honestly.. they are about as talented at a shitty high school band, with bad songs! They remind me of the SHAGGS and not in a good way..
HEY GIRLS TAKE YOUR OWN ADVICE.. if you cant write a GOOD SONG whats the POINT!
atleast these girls below.. could write a decent song!
HEY GIRLS TAKE YOUR OWN ADVICE.. if you cant write a GOOD SONG whats the POINT!
atleast these girls below.. could write a decent song!
Besties in Iowa today
Well my pals the Besties are rocking a couple shows in Iowa.. tonight and tommorow..
one in BOONE, (birthplace of Leah Reeves, and John Fernandez of OTC) and one in Des Moines birthplace of SMASH T-shirts in which I submitted a phrase for a design and had no responce! trust me it was brutal..
anyway go see the besties...
after you check out RICKY's Hot Tatoos in this great video!
oops nevermind those arent RICKY's HOT TATOOS.. some other dudes?
either way!
one in BOONE, (birthplace of Leah Reeves, and John Fernandez of OTC) and one in Des Moines birthplace of SMASH T-shirts in which I submitted a phrase for a design and had no responce! trust me it was brutal..
anyway go see the besties...
after you check out RICKY's Hot Tatoos in this great video!
oops nevermind those arent RICKY's HOT TATOOS.. some other dudes?
either way!
Well this weekend definately did not go how I exspected it to go..
My original plan a few months back was to head down to Columbia, MO to hang with Devin and got to the True/False Film fest.. Those plans were shot down when I couldnt find anyone to work for me on Saturday.. and I didnt think leaving here at 4pm and heading down to Columbia would give me much time to see films, let alone more importantly hang with Dev..
But when I found out the guy I sold 1 of my mixing consoles to on EBAY wanted me to deliver it to a western chicago suburb I called ash to see if she wanted to drive to chicago with me on Saturday night after I got done with work.. she wasnt to excited but then got into it.. when i told her he was giving us an extra 150 bucks to drive it there and in Ash's car gas back and forth would only be about 60 bucks so we could stop on the way and get a hotel room and a nice dinner...
So we hopped in the car and headed East.. Stopping to stay in DIXON, IL just past PUMP FACTORY ROAD.. (dons old band name) anyway Dixon is where Ronald Reagan grew up and where I got a Warning by a local police officer for makeing an unlawful right turn onto their main street looking for someplace to eat, this was moments after I walked in on a lady taking a dump at a bathroom at ARTHUR's deli where we decided not to eat..
anyway the cop was cool and gave us some suggestions on where to eat.. We decided Tai which was a great choice.. Then onto the hotel.. where naturally there was no one at the front desk.. So I called the hotel and a gal picked up and she says can I help you, and I say, "Yeah I have been standing here looking at your PLATINIUM HOSPITALLITY AWARD for 20 minutes waiting for some front desk help" Lets just say I scored a deal on the room! We hit the hot tub and enjoyed our continetal breakfast the next day.
We drove to Addisen, IL which is right next to DOWNERS GROVE, which is not only a song on the Recent Wolves in the Attic Cd but its the hometown of KLEENEX GIRL WONDER's Ghram Smith.. Anyway it would have been great if I was delievering the console to good old Grahm but no luck.. But the guy was great and then we drove all the way home!
Anyway It was a fun trip for driving 13 hours in a 24 hour period!
Probably would have dug the TRUE/False Film fest more and hanging with Devin.. but I did get to admit my new obsession to Ashley which is SOY LATTE's I gave up Cliff bars for lent but now Im hooked on Soy Latte's...
Its my new drug.. But Im ok with it.. cause I still love regular coffee, but ash says its like going from METH to HEROIN...
I just had one on the way to work.. and it was not that good.. SO maybe there hope and the end of the tunnel.. for me saving some money!
man this is long!
My original plan a few months back was to head down to Columbia, MO to hang with Devin and got to the True/False Film fest.. Those plans were shot down when I couldnt find anyone to work for me on Saturday.. and I didnt think leaving here at 4pm and heading down to Columbia would give me much time to see films, let alone more importantly hang with Dev..
But when I found out the guy I sold 1 of my mixing consoles to on EBAY wanted me to deliver it to a western chicago suburb I called ash to see if she wanted to drive to chicago with me on Saturday night after I got done with work.. she wasnt to excited but then got into it.. when i told her he was giving us an extra 150 bucks to drive it there and in Ash's car gas back and forth would only be about 60 bucks so we could stop on the way and get a hotel room and a nice dinner...
So we hopped in the car and headed East.. Stopping to stay in DIXON, IL just past PUMP FACTORY ROAD.. (dons old band name) anyway Dixon is where Ronald Reagan grew up and where I got a Warning by a local police officer for makeing an unlawful right turn onto their main street looking for someplace to eat, this was moments after I walked in on a lady taking a dump at a bathroom at ARTHUR's deli where we decided not to eat..
anyway the cop was cool and gave us some suggestions on where to eat.. We decided Tai which was a great choice.. Then onto the hotel.. where naturally there was no one at the front desk.. So I called the hotel and a gal picked up and she says can I help you, and I say, "Yeah I have been standing here looking at your PLATINIUM HOSPITALLITY AWARD for 20 minutes waiting for some front desk help" Lets just say I scored a deal on the room! We hit the hot tub and enjoyed our continetal breakfast the next day.
We drove to Addisen, IL which is right next to DOWNERS GROVE, which is not only a song on the Recent Wolves in the Attic Cd but its the hometown of KLEENEX GIRL WONDER's Ghram Smith.. Anyway it would have been great if I was delievering the console to good old Grahm but no luck.. But the guy was great and then we drove all the way home!
Anyway It was a fun trip for driving 13 hours in a 24 hour period!
Probably would have dug the TRUE/False Film fest more and hanging with Devin.. but I did get to admit my new obsession to Ashley which is SOY LATTE's I gave up Cliff bars for lent but now Im hooked on Soy Latte's...
Its my new drug.. But Im ok with it.. cause I still love regular coffee, but ash says its like going from METH to HEROIN...
I just had one on the way to work.. and it was not that good.. SO maybe there hope and the end of the tunnel.. for me saving some money!
man this is long!
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