well this weekend has been pretty ok,
I guess, Friday night was fun, got more work done on the CTC record, and then on saturday I worked for a bit, it was cool other than getting sprayed by the tanner cleaner, uck so after work I showered and then went Christmas shopping with Ash, we did find a present for my ma ma but thats about it! But I did have fun at the Mall cause one of the people in the center selling candy had MELTY Mints candies and I loved those as a kid because my dad always had them at conventions... So this huge guy selling them had a high voice and I said hey Ash there are those candies I used to like and the guy was like.. "YEAH THEY GREAT" and I said yeah I cant have them anymore for Diatary reasons and he said, "ONLY A FEW WON"T HURT" in a very high voice I loved it and then imitated him the rest of the night, it was classic, we then came home and made a VEGAN PUMPKIN PIE, which was sublime!
Then today, we have been busy, we went to ANytime fitness worked out, Watched the vikes squeeck one out and now Im at the vaud working, which kinda sucks but on my way here I stoped at KUM and Go for Gas, and its apparently KUM and Go's 50th year, so they are selling a GOLD (colored) CHUG MUG for 50 bucks, and you get FREE refills, all of 2009... at Kum and GO! What a great GIFT for someone... I must have a gold chug mug!
Well happy b-day KUM N GO, your not as good as Quick Trip, but I still love you...
anyway back to work..
OMG-I just read opened your page and saw those melty moments and was immediately taken back to the old office and the old filing cabinets in the main office room (where Jeanette Greve and Marty Richardson's office's were) where I knew Dad hid those. Yum, yum, yum! Those were great!
I loved those mints too, but I don't remember them from the office, I guess I must have not been around for them!
I think you mean Kwik Trip as the best gas stations. www.kwiktrip.com
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