So this weekend was mostly good..
I got to record Christopher the Conquered again and the album is really coming together.. we did some really interesting stuff with layerd vocals and im pretty happy with how its coming.. And totally happy with his snack selection he brout over...
Oh yeah I got hired part time at ANYTIME FITNESS in ames.. a new job.. im kinda excited about it for two reasons.. 1. I get to wear jogging pants to work. 2. ashley gets to work out for free in a nice spot..
so on sunday I didnt feel like going to a sports bar to watch the vikes.. so ash and I made killer huge taco salads and sat infront of the tube for the game.. OOOOOOOH shit.. the bears and packers are on.. which I understand but im also pissed about so pissed Im like well im going to listen to the vike then and just watch this game so I get my radio all set up and all is good since there is a local station that covers the viking.. but mid way through the fist quarter the game switches off so they can carry a ISU womens basket ball game.. NOW I ABOUT lost it right then and there. Fucking a.. seriously...
anyway let just say I sat infront of the computer watching the animated play by play via Yahoo Sports..
How bad does that suck!
well not as bad as the vikes did... well we are still tied for first..
oh well.. yesterday was good, got a check from Insurance for the van and im going to keep it... and I got a massage.. the first in for live ever... and Ashley and I danced a bit to some Curtis Mayfield.. damn what a voice
OH yeah we went to a dinner party with some people down the street.. very interesting us and like 6 other adults.. all atleast 10 years older then ash and I.. but the husband brews beer for Granit city so I got some killer beer and the wife is an excellent cook and she made the whole meal vegan.. it was quite good!
well must run sorry for the boring post!
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