this picture looks like my dad was painting but he was just eating a hot dog!
well I had a pretty good weekend... Other then our WASHER breakig again... This is time number 4 so ash and I went to Lowes last night and got a new one...
hopefully it gets here tommorow so I can do some wash before tour!
also kinda want a hair cut before tour.. will see what I get done.. If I didnt have to run sound everynight... oh well its dough..
So our friend Sami's dad came and fixed our cieling while we were gone and did a great job.. and since ash wasnt to found of her OFFICE color we decided to paint it over the weekend... NOW ASH SHOULD KNow.. that Im a terrible painter and bound to spill shit all over which I did and what ever.. the funniest part of the whole weekend is when ash picked the color of paint she wanted got it mixed then found one she liked better... there was a little scene in lowes.. she had a small break down but I came to the rescue and thought maybe they could just ad some paint to it to make it her new color.. which they totally could and it was wierd but the girl mixing the paint by this time was totally flirting with ashley.. it was hillious and weird.. Ash pick some fire red color for her door and the girl was like I would love to hear how that turns out!!!
I felt uncomfortable for a moment...
Had some great plains vegan pizza last night that was good..
ok back to running sound!
later gaters
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