Well nothing like getting home from Nyc and hopping right back in the car and driving a whole day to CINCINATTI..
Ashley is getting some more training on Spinal Reflex stuff.. which is rad and she is already really great at it.. So we are here for the weekend.. She's got class from 9-6 fri-sun..
So its giving me some time to work from our bad ass new laptop thanks to Ryan Anderson for the fat deal on it..
I like Cincinatti always have.. PCC has played here a bunch and I have done 3 solos shows here to I bet I have played atleast 10 times here.. which is rad.. But I have never really explored the city much.. We are are right down town so I scoped out a great Indian Buffett for lunch yesterday then I have been coffee bar hopping.. I ended yesterday drinking bud light at a sports bar with Wireless. We are staying with Ashley's Half brothers fam and they are great.. Her half brother Chris has really gotten into movies.. And is always checking if they are in the All Movie Guides top 250 which I looked at with him and thought was a load of SHIT, I got no problem with Godfather being number 1 and and Godfather II being number 3 but the Wizard of OZ number Twenty something come the fuck on... and shit he couldnt believe I knew anything about the Critieron Collection.. Guess It appears I was born in a barn.. Anyway I told him about RUSHMORE and he had never heard of it.. and was kinda makeing a big deal about it and I said its probably in the top 250 and it was not.. BUMMER....Been lots of Fun though hanging with them...
Some crazy shit has been going down in Sibley my hometown I got an e-mail from Daneille W. that Joe Bradfield our high school teacher got arrested for having a loaded gun in his car on school property I had to call my mom to get the lo-down and she said that JOE is getting Wierd and I said thats why I loved him so much as a teacher.. I think he is a great dude and I hope that whole shit blows over...
Also congrats to my pops for retireing from refereering... My mom brought him some flowers in a ref sock yesterday.. My pops has been officiating some sort of sports for 40 years now... since he was a kid and I want to congradulate him...
Well other things I have learned while in CINI
1. the really old Flaming lips stuff sounds like Janes Addiction
2. There is a Pete Rose Museum here I want to find..
3. I saw a women pick her nose and eat it on highway.. Ashley didnt believe me we watch her and she did it again.. A thumb picker too, my favorite..
4. Ashley farted in the car this morning and it smelled like Indian Food.
5. Bums like Library bathrooms for showers
Have a great saturday!
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