1. Getting a free CHUG Mug.. so Ash and I were at a truck stop getting some water and Coffee and the guy behind to counter says.."When i saw you two I thought Beauty and the Beast" I was the beast.. but he gave me my Chug Mug for free.. Thats Aweseome..
2. Happy halloween.. We had all these little kids come to our door yesterday it was awesome natually we didnt have any candy so the kids got healthy SPRY GUM that Ashley gives to her clients that I get in trouble for taking.. cause they are for clients .. so ash went a bought some Candy.. The best costumes I saw were Super Mario and Danta Culpepper...
3.. Watch this video... it makes my day..
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I said it before and I'll say it again.....
I LOVE KIDS more than PETS
Nothing like a 10 hour drive home to make you talk about the most random things..
Yesterday Ashley and I came up with the greatest kid names of all time and I love them... so we shook on it.. so If we have a boy or girl or adopt. we got some totally killer names!
Anyway check out our friend Dan's boy Hayden rocking out to the Poison Control Center... this makes me feel way better than being on the CMJ Charts
Yesterday Ashley and I came up with the greatest kid names of all time and I love them... so we shook on it.. so If we have a boy or girl or adopt. we got some totally killer names!
Anyway check out our friend Dan's boy Hayden rocking out to the Poison Control Center... this makes me feel way better than being on the CMJ Charts
Sunday, October 28, 2007
To the Vikings

to the Vikings..
Its weird it does not matter what CIty you in, there is always a couple VIKINGS fans to watch the game with...
I used to go to this place called john Waynes in Indianapolis to watch games and there was always other vikings fans there.. And today there was a dude from Minnesota watching the Vikes with me...
But All vikings fans everywhere are in the same mood today! Fuck em!
Nether Nether land!

Well last night was wonderful Ash and i went to Wild Oats had a killer $$$$$alad Bar and then stocked up on snacks from the bulk section to sneek into the Movies.. We went to The Darjeeling Limited the new Wes Anderson movie..
Wes is kinda one of Ash and I's favorite for multiple reasons but one of our first dates was to one of his films and We both love all his other movies so it was great.. I love the film.. His movies always make me want to hang out with my family... His films are just touching and wonderfull..
So today Im bumming around until 1 pm when the Vikings game starts.. I have got SULLEYS sports bar in my view to watch the game... its close to where Ashley's class is and its a cool spot. Since the Stealers are in town to play the Bengals downtown CINICI is pretty crowded with folks.. I got lucky this morning I got to watch the Stealers hop on thier bus coming out of the NETHERLAND HOTEL.. so if your favorite football team is playing in CINCI thats probably where they are staying.. ITs incredible to see NFL football players up close they are fucking huge! Anyway... No autographs for me.. but it was fun hanging out there..
Tonight we head to one of the most beautiful little towns in the world Madison, IN to see Nancy, Ashley's mom...
I leave on an acoustic troubodor type tour on Saturday. for 2 weeks.. Looking forward to spending some time with Joe T. and my friends Casper and the Cookies..
Have a great sunday... go VIKES
Saturday, October 27, 2007
No Rest for the Dreary..

Well nothing like getting home from Nyc and hopping right back in the car and driving a whole day to CINCINATTI..
Ashley is getting some more training on Spinal Reflex stuff.. which is rad and she is already really great at it.. So we are here for the weekend.. She's got class from 9-6 fri-sun..
So its giving me some time to work from our bad ass new laptop thanks to Ryan Anderson for the fat deal on it..
I like Cincinatti always have.. PCC has played here a bunch and I have done 3 solos shows here to I bet I have played atleast 10 times here.. which is rad.. But I have never really explored the city much.. We are are right down town so I scoped out a great Indian Buffett for lunch yesterday then I have been coffee bar hopping.. I ended yesterday drinking bud light at a sports bar with Wireless. We are staying with Ashley's Half brothers fam and they are great.. Her half brother Chris has really gotten into movies.. And is always checking if they are in the All Movie Guides top 250 which I looked at with him and thought was a load of SHIT, I got no problem with Godfather being number 1 and and Godfather II being number 3 but the Wizard of OZ number Twenty something come the fuck on... and shit he couldnt believe I knew anything about the Critieron Collection.. Guess It appears I was born in a barn.. Anyway I told him about RUSHMORE and he had never heard of it.. and was kinda makeing a big deal about it and I said its probably in the top 250 and it was not.. BUMMER....Been lots of Fun though hanging with them...
Some crazy shit has been going down in Sibley my hometown I got an e-mail from Daneille W. that Joe Bradfield our high school teacher got arrested for having a loaded gun in his car on school property I had to call my mom to get the lo-down and she said that JOE is getting Wierd and I said thats why I loved him so much as a teacher.. I think he is a great dude and I hope that whole shit blows over...
Also congrats to my pops for retireing from refereering... My mom brought him some flowers in a ref sock yesterday.. My pops has been officiating some sort of sports for 40 years now... since he was a kid and I want to congradulate him...
Well other things I have learned while in CINI
1. the really old Flaming lips stuff sounds like Janes Addiction
2. There is a Pete Rose Museum here I want to find..
3. I saw a women pick her nose and eat it on highway.. Ashley didnt believe me we watch her and she did it again.. A thumb picker too, my favorite..
4. Ashley farted in the car this morning and it smelled like Indian Food.
5. Bums like Library bathrooms for showers
Have a great saturday!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
LIVE VIDEO of the PCC on KEXP @ CMJ.. from tv show NEW YORK NOISE
go here to get the footage.... Its fun trust me...
You Can See Ian our Lovely Record Label excutive, our dear friend Alli, and Shawn our booking agent rocking out with us... along with have of KEXP and some other nice folks!
You Can See Ian our Lovely Record Label excutive, our dear friend Alli, and Shawn our booking agent rocking out with us... along with have of KEXP and some other nice folks!
happy b-day dev
The Fall Classic!
Man so last night I was apart of a music panel for the Des Moines Music Coalition and I had a great time except I sat right next to the guy who books a huge casino and we disagreed on everything.. NO buddy PETER FRAMPTON does not need a booking agent.. Anyway much fun was had watching JC of house of bricks drink everyone under the table....
Ok so tonight is the start of the World Series.. I know you think Im a dick but Im going for the Red Sox... Why cause I love the stadiam, love the history, and frankly I love the American League.. Back in 91 when we got to go to the World Series still ranks as one of the greatest moments in my life looking up and saying to my dad we did it and seeing tears flow from his eyes,,, Then after the game my mom swinging her bra around on a turned over Minneapolis Bus... So good... totally what an 11 year old needs to see...
Well here is one of my favorite moments from that series go get em KENT!
Ok so tonight is the start of the World Series.. I know you think Im a dick but Im going for the Red Sox... Why cause I love the stadiam, love the history, and frankly I love the American League.. Back in 91 when we got to go to the World Series still ranks as one of the greatest moments in my life looking up and saying to my dad we did it and seeing tears flow from his eyes,,, Then after the game my mom swinging her bra around on a turned over Minneapolis Bus... So good... totally what an 11 year old needs to see...
Well here is one of my favorite moments from that series go get em KENT!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
CMJ WEEK makes me very tired!

Well Joe T and I got home around 4:30 am.. just under 5 hours to the week! When we took off for CMJ.. It was such a crazy time, I will give you a brief recap!
1. Ames to NYC is not that long of a drive when surrounded by friends.
2. Shawn K. is an amazing dude, with great stories, a big heart, sings great Karoke and knows great Vegan Nyc Restaraunts.. Good guy to have on your team..
3. Alli A. is an amazing dudet who draws well, has a small apartment, is a good budger, knows her beer and a great friend to have.
4. the Nyc airport sucks to get around
5. Playing shows in NYC are always fun, hot, and sweaty
6. Playing in the Hit Factory was amazing
7. Being in Boston during a play off game was not the best idea
8. all Besties are good people with big hearts
9. I love Ladybug Transister
10. I love Fishboy
11. I love being home..
Thats all I got
Monday, October 15, 2007
NYC or Bust... most likely bust!

Well Joe t. and I hit the road this am at 9:30... Nothing like a 20 hour drive to catch up on whats been going on in somebodys life..
it shall be good!
we are picking up our pal Shawn who is also our booking agent in South Bend.. Dev and Don the true rock stars are flying out in their privet jets for CMJ..
I wish ashley was coming we had another great rainy sunday together and I know im going to miss her so.. If you in Ames call and bug her to hang out.
take care everyone..
lots of love
ps hope to see David Bowie or bump into the ghost of babe ruth while Im there.. gotta love NYC
Friday, October 12, 2007
Poison Control Center is KEXP's SONG OF the Day

Hey everyone.. I'm bit taken back from this news but today Oct. 12 we are KEXP's Song of the Day... For the song, "Make Love a Star" off A Collage of Impressions.. you can check it out here...
Ashley's Dad and step mom are here and they think I make good smoothies! BOO YEAH!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
What a Rush.. Not the Geddy Lee Kind

Man since Ashley has gotten home everything has been a total rush around.. we have been staying busy and stuff.. Lots happening.. My friends from High School Matt T (greatest drummer ever) and Amanda S. came and stayed with Ashley and I on Saturday and it was great fun, got some Great Plains Vegan Pizza and everything.. Good times for sure. I love my Sundays with Ash cause all we have to do is watch VIKING games unless I have to run sound.. and there was no Vikes on this week so we just got to hang out.. it was great..
Ashley calls me Buddy alot usually when Im driving and she says "Slowdown Buddy," or "brakes lights ahead Buddy" but on Sunday she was saying how much she liked Sundays to cause they were her, "SUNDAY BUDDY SUNDAY" which I thought was quite hillious!
I also got a mix cd from Sami for my b-day which I havent got a chance to listen to yet but I have to run sound tonight in Des Moines so thats going to give me a chance to do that!
We went to watch Hillary Clinton Speak last night and it was great seeing all her Peeps be frantic to make sure everything was statrickly how it was supposed to happen.. I looked a Secret Service guy right in the eyes and I enjoyed talking really loud and making up roomers like, "I HEARD SHE WAS AT La Fuente eating chips earlier" so all the people around me could hear.. IT was also great when My cell phone was blaring... Thanks to booking agent extrodinair Shawn for that one! Ashley dug Hill alittle more then I did ofcourse but It wasnt bad.. Im still for DENNIS K, then BILL R, then BARAK, Then KENT HRBEK for president! ANyway better get to work.. Hope your all well...
Oh on the last note my nephew COLE hit a grand Slam this weekend! Im so proud I have never hit a grand slam.. and thats pretty bad dang cool!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
what a week
Well so much has been going on this week.. SO BUSY... I havent had a chance to even post a blog.. well I will give the short list of it...
1. Ashley comes home tommorow... FINNALLY!!!
2. Happy b-day ms. williams!
3. Fun seeing the folks in minneapolis
4. Vikings bad
5. Arcade Fire amazing
6. Sleep amazing
7. Indian food amazing but hurts my butt
8. smoothies amazing and helps my butt
9. Getting to play KEXP at CMJ rad.. also moved up the charts to #91 this week thats up 40 spots
10. Did I mention Ash is finnnally coming home! YES!!
1. Ashley comes home tommorow... FINNALLY!!!
2. Happy b-day ms. williams!
3. Fun seeing the folks in minneapolis
4. Vikings bad
5. Arcade Fire amazing
6. Sleep amazing
7. Indian food amazing but hurts my butt
8. smoothies amazing and helps my butt
9. Getting to play KEXP at CMJ rad.. also moved up the charts to #91 this week thats up 40 spots
10. Did I mention Ash is finnnally coming home! YES!!
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