So the other day while we were at that Movie Knocked up we hadnt eating dinner so we thought we would get some popcorn.. Now when I start eating a salty snack I like to continue eating a salty snack so I'm always excited to go to the theater where if you order a big TUB of popcorn you get a second big tub for free...
WELL so I went up to the little high school dude working behind to counter and said, "you guys still give a free refill tub if you buy the big one right" and the kid goes no the STATE OF IOWA HEALTH BOARD wont let us do that any more and I was like what? So I was a little Pe-OD cause shit its not like they lowered the price of it... ANYWAY...
Another thing shitty about Iowa right now is MITT ROMNEY... THis guy is a a douche Bag and will be just as bad a GW Bush in my Opinion.. I hope this guys 15 minutes of fame is up shortly I can stand this coverage of this joker..
So Ashley and I went to the Fair yesterday to catch a BEE GEES cover band it was pretty great actually.. They played a few of my favorite.. my favorite part was they would tell a story about a song and then I would yell out what it was or tell Ashley what is was before they started playing it and I got them all right.. WHAT a NERD.. Ashley enjoyed some Pepper Rings.. They were like onion rings but they were GREEN PEPPERS Fried...
I also enjoyed talking to Devin on the phone who thought it would have been really funny if the Dead Bee Gee also was Dead in the cover group so it was just two of them.. But Im glad he wasnt cause BARRY GIBB was the strongest link in this group.
I also found out at the Fair I have a huge fear of Hights we rode the GONDALA across the fair grounds and I was seriously about the throw up the whole time and I hadnt eaten anyting the whole day and I felt like I was going to drive heave On the butter cow.. which we never saw..
Iowa--- BOO on lack of Popcorn
BOO on Mitt Romney
BOO on hights
Yeah on Bee Gees, time with my Wife and her Fried Green Peppers
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