Thursday, April 29, 2010


Man this picture of dogs is great
Man I have had the busiest week ever! Last weekend my little sister got married in one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever seen, she looked amazing and Im so glad I got to be a Groomsman! Her new hubby Bob is the best and I kinda already felt like he was in the fam so no huge change there! But the wedding was so great, and the Party afterwards was incredible!

It was great hanging out with all my fam, and seeing my older sister becky shake her money maker and get to spend some quality time with my brother nathan! What a weekend!

I got to hit up Target Field again and it was superb, im going to miss going up there a bunch this summer!

Oh I got some of my co workers into the Jonsi concert so now they owe me big! This week I have been just getting ready for our Album release weekend, which I guess I have been waiting for, for about 11 months since we recorded our album.. SO im very excited to being getting the chance to hang with friends and play some tunes! Its kinda bittersweet cause these will be the last shows for a while that DON plays with us.. Pretty sad but we are going to make the most of it! that for sure!
here is a nice write up on the show From Cityview!
PCC in Cityview

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

RIPPING NEW Wheelers tune

Man this is ripping! the Wheelers are a fantastic rock and roll group from KC who we are taking their drummer for a ride this summer (dave is drumming for PCC!)! But we are going to get to play with them in KC and its gonna rule!

this is new tune called Rogues


There is nothing Scary about Joe Terry! He is a tall, and handsome man who I love very much! I have even slept in the same bed with him countless times! This maybe weird to some but not me and Joe Terry cause share a passion like no other mothers brother could possibly share! and on this day I would love to wish have a wonderful HAPPY B-day! I hope you have a great day buddy and I look forward to seeing you next week!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Poison Control Center on FUSE

Well got some great news today, the Poison Control Center are feature on FUSE...
totally rad check it out here...
PCC free download on FUSE

Man its been pretty crazy lately with the album coming out in less then a month! I have done 4 interviews in the last 4 days! Love talking about me and my buddies making music, not much better!

Pavement having fun!!! So happy bout this...

man it looks like the boys in Pavement are having the most fun ever check out STEREO from Cochella!

Monday, April 19, 2010

No Beck Your MY KIND!

Record Club: INXS "Need You Tonight" from Beck Hansen on Vimeo.


Man always a good morning, when 80/35 announces one of your fave acts will be coming to you big brother to the south DES MOINES for 80/35.... Yep the amazing SPOON will be headlining the first night of the Fest! Great job organizers! YOU RULE THE SCHOOL!

Also I did this fun little panting interview with WE HEART MUSIC RADIO that you can check out here... giving away kidneys to play big festivals it works seriously!
My interview with WE HEART MUSIC RADIO

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Saturday in the City

Man I had such a great day yesterday.. We hit up Des Moines for Record Store Day, Craft Saturday, some shopping, Mars Cafe's 4th anniversary SPACE PROM (which I played a solo set).

Anyway the day was just perfect first we did some shopping for Ash so she could find some shoes for Little Ashley's wedding which is NEXT WEEKEND! Then we hit up record store day which Ash and I had painted a PCC test pressing for the first person to spend 250 dollars at ZZZ records, and we were happy to hear the first person through the door who was also standing in line 2 hours before the store opened spent 250 bucks and got the test pressing... there is a photo above of ashleys great work!
Most of the COOL special record store day stuff was gone by the time we got there but Ash got some Pizza and I picked up the special addition of the new APPLES IN STEREO LP and a double JOE COCKER album!

Then onto Craft Saturday to see some local crafty types gear, and to say hello to our buddies the William's who put it on! It was a great group of Artist and I think Ash got a scarf and a new Monster Fashion Wallet..

I then did an interview with WE HEART MUSIC RADIO, which was pretty rad, and the guy asked great questions.. SO that was fun...
Then we headed over to the East village and did some shopping..
We ended up with some time to Kill before space prom so we headed to the HESSIAN HOUSE and had some brews with Marc and Angela... They also tested out some GAITER TAILS... GROSS..
THen the most random thing happend We met Marc and Angela's neighbor in the elevator and she said they were having a party at their place the next thing you know Im looking at SALVIDOR DALI art and drinking a hieniken in some random guys house... THe next thing I know, me and Marc are singing WEEZER Karoke at this random guys house, cause the Hiening were crowden his ICE BOX...

Any way it was a blast and Angela and Ash did a little GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN, which Angela turned into a spoken work rant which was pretty great, LEts just say Marc and I got a better score, BUT the dude who was plastered who had been golfing all day totally beat us doing some FORINER or what ever it was...

Then onto SPACE PROM, at Mars Cafe which totally ruled, Daniel B, really made this rule! they had SAKI Punch and tons of great decorations, and one Crazy Penguien/peacock dude! They had turned Mars Cafe into a Killer Space ball! WIth PHOTO BOOTH and snacks, Drinks, and Great music.. I had a blast playing and it was funny cause I asked for request and about 20 DONALD songs were requested... So I did a few of them!
ANYWAY it was a killer Day!

Now onto help Joe Williams move his stuff out of his storage unit int a UHAL!

OH also PCC is on MAGNET MAGAZINE this weekend, Its always been a dream of mine to be in Magnet, so this is cool

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Well my buddy Ryan Anderson just wrapped up a little tour with his band Minorcan..
I hope you got to catch them and if you didnt and live in the SE usa.. You missed out..
Anyway I got to talk to my buddy yesterday and and got to wish him a big Happy B-day cause he turned 30 this week!
Ryan I love you and happy 30th...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


so Target field the new Twins stadium is so amazing.. I cant wait to get back there...
and I think Chan HO Parks cant wait to get back to the toilet

Monday, April 5, 2010

Mission Creek and VOL 2

Man I had such an excellent weekend at the Mission Creek fest in iowa city.. Drank a ton of beers saw tons of good music and most importantly got to hang out with a ton of friends and see a ton more!
What a blast!
PCC had a couple shows and both were so fun! I also go to judge a litterary (spelled wrong not for comic value) DEATH MATCH...
which I was sat between some serious dude and a burlesque dancer.. Much fun was had! so much fun I missed this... on letterman...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

NEW Poison Control Center Video

Here is the new Poison Control Center video, I love it! Its got my friends in it! my house and joe m.
cant go wrong!

Being Gone by the Poison Control Center from TAPES FOR LIFE on Vimeo.

I know its been awhile! Im sorry John Clardy

man im so sorry I have been out of the loop,
We have been getting our house in ship shop shape to sell..
a Few things that were fun while I was gone!
1. We had a killer Garage Sale! I got to put on my mr. money pawn shop hat! and wheel and deal!
2. Got to see CTC up in Minneapolis at the Triple Rock they ruled! So did the Vegan Po Boy
3. ash and I had a weird incident at COCO's in ames, TO long and funny to tell here ask me about it later!
4. Minorcan will be on tour this week you should go!
5. SORRY TO John Clardy who was in the studio and wanted to read my blog but my updates were just not there I hope your new record is amazing.. He was sweet and sent me a text and said I miss the blog! your a king John!