Well as some of you already know Ashley and I won, the Best Iowa Film Makers of the year award at the INTERROBANG Film Festival it, was such an exciting weekend standing in the back of a over capacity theater watching people react to our little film.. We attended the award ceremony and even did a small Q and A.. it was so fun and Im so happy Ash and I got to do something creative together and people seemed to like it..
Also got Ash and I shirts of the art work she created for our little movie poster check em out!
We had a fantastic time and got to see some friends, and hit up A-dong and the Vaud for Autumn Project Cd release show which was a blast as well..
The one thing I was getting sick of all weekend was people asking me for cigarrettes there is nothing i cant stand more then the BUMMERS of Cigarretts they say can I BORROW a cig or do you have any cigarettes I got so sick of this at 1 am when we were getting into our car some dumb ass collage age kid asked me for a cig and I pulled down my pants, mooned him and said I think I got one stuck way up my ass! You can have it.. Oh what a weekend! here some pics outside our building where the films were shown!
ps also big news! Almost a whole month before she turned one our little wonderful niece is now walking! HEAD over to my sister beckys blog to hear her classic mommy voice chearing Macy on!
love it!