Thats right you guessed it one of the most talented Artist in the whole world (and also born in sibley) Danelle Williams B-day is today.. Go purchase one of her great new Iowa Pouches from the Moster Fashion site.. linked on my page! here is a lovely pic of her and the WOE she calls hubby!
Well the weather is lovely.. Baseball and football are on and it the best time of the year! I got to practice with a few of the PCC boys and then got to play some of the funnest and best shows we have played in a long time.. The Minnesota Autumn brew was fantastic.. Lots of good beer and we played really well. then the Nomad is always fun.. it was good getting a chance to hang with Jeremy Grace a bit.. and don, dev, joe, and pam.. very fun in deed..
then I got home to watch the vikings getting fucking hosed by refs again.. and just falling short of another victory.. Im serious the NFL refs are having a rough year! I was getting very perturb... OH well the Twins won and they play today for the AL Central title in a winner takes all game against the sox.. its on TBS of all places so I have to go to a sports bar tonight and watch.. either way Im excited...
Ash got an interesting e-mail yesterday from one of her members on the Phfrimmer board who must have checked out which ashley was in the process of buying so its on a bunch of her flyers and pamplets.. but somebody must have beat ashley to the punch and lets just say its not ok to look at if you are in your cubicle...
I know this means mr. Moffit will be checking it out shortly!
well "IT IS FINISHED" was always my favorite line of the Passion Play put on in Sibley on Good Friday... Old J.C. was up on the cross and he put it all in perspective for you up there... Not only was his life finished so was the 2 hour passion play and as a kid all my bro and sisters were in the play.. they usually did 3 performances a night... I only once ever carryed a lamb.. anyway thats not the point of this blog...
What got finished yesterday was Ashley and I's grant... YEAH.. when we emailed it off and sent in our supplemental package Ash said,"wow we wrote our first grant proposel maybe we could get a job doing this" and I was like.. NO way.. that was the most stressful month of crap ever.. But Im glad we got it done and now we wait... 4-6 weeks to hear if we will get anything...
We decided to celebrate a bit and went for INDIAN food last night which for some reason taisted the best it has ever taisted! Well Done India Palace.. I then came home to watch play by play of the Twins SWEEPING the CHI-Sox to take over first place in the AL Central with just 3 games left to play! Way to go Twinkies! what a great thursday... almost as great as this...
Well My Vikings finally won! well done boys... the rest of my weekend I was mostly in Des Moines running sound at the Vaudeville Mews.. On a hight note I got to do sound for my buddies the great Dressy Bessy.. who have a new really great album out called HOLLAR and STOMP! They were sweet enough to give it to me on vinyl! But it was good seeing them and they rock quite hard! And I got to hear John laugh so thats always a good thing!
more finishing touches on Grant application today.. and PCC has a show this weekend so Im stoked about that..
OH and my buddies Ryan and Jennifer Anderson gave birth to a beautiful baby girl Congrats to them!
Well some of you know Ashley and I are trying to get an art grant to me make a documentary film about ashley getting to the healthiest state possible as a type 1 diabetic.. Anyway we are doing all the paper work.. and stuff.. so it been super time consuming but a blast... We even decided to start our own Production Company called... TAPES FOR LIFE.. to make movies, put out albums, 7inches and what ever else we would like to loose money on! well I even started a blog for TAPES FOR LIFE you can get to it at this address...
I even posted a little teeser on our site but heck since i'm such a good dude I will just post it for you here as well!
I hope you enjoy! ps we are taking contributions for this film... ha ha cause I know anyone who reads my blog has money to burn!
Heck the teeser even features and un-released PCC song I recorded for our first album that never got released way back IN THE YEAR 2000!
So the other day I got an e-mail from a gal at Yep Roc who I have sold a couple ads to and she wanted to know if I wanted to go see GIANT SAND at Hoyt Sherman Theater in Des Moines.. Well I knew they were opening for Neko Case and the ticks were 25 bucks a piece so i asked ash if she wanted to go and she was siked to we had a date..
Now when we got there we saw every hipster in Des moines there for the show.. So I knew this was happening.. so we went to the box office to claim our GUEST LIST spot but they had no guest list.. then we found another lady who had no Idea about a guest list.. so at this time Im thinking well atleast we are close to ADONG for some dinner.. I could still save this date! but have no fear we were then introduced to the lady in charge and she had no guest list.. BUT SHE BELIEVED that we could have been on one.; SO she said well we have seats in the balcony or in the front row.. you can pick... so naturally not being the idiot I appear to be sometime we hit up the front row... And wow what and amazing theater and the show was so great! lets just say I now have plans on being on the "RANDY NEWMAN GUEST LIST"" hhha haa well Ash and I both loved Neko and her band... here some footage of some other show
Now I only need to see Destroyer to get my full New Pornographers experience... boo yeah..
Well we lost another Genius in my book today.. Richard Wright from Pink Floyd.. He was one of the most creative keys players in the biz... to bad I will never see them live.. booo well atleast I have this to watch!
Rich wrote US and THEM.. and its one of my faves.. here is some rad footage from Abbey Road studios!
ok ok ok I have been Imatating "JAWSES" since I first saw "I GOT BRACES" on Fishboys blog! I cant get enough of this guy! If Ashley hear's my version of "I GOT EM" one more time she cutting of my internet.. I consider this kid my new friend along with checking my email I check everday if he has a new video up so classic.. here are my two faves!
Well most of this weekend ruled.. Ash and I have been gorging ourselves in films, (which also means eating lots of popcorn) and We got lucky this weekend... We went and saw this new Doc. called "American Teen" and its filmed in a high school in small town Indiana and they choose charicters all like the charicters in the Breakfast Club but this is real life.. it was really great.. and I kinda want to see it again here is a sneak peak
Go see it if you have the meens!
Also Ash got me a bio book about WOODY ALLEN who I have totally been into and we both the love the movie ANNIE HALL but this weekend we watched MANHATTAN and it might even be better! Seriously.. just watch the openening...
one thing I noiticed about Allen's film is that he gives himself all the GOOD lines.. just love it...
Also it was great hanging with ma and pa up in minneapolis! My dad and went and watched the vikes while ash and my Mom went shopping.. WELL lets just say they might have made the right choice.. As the vikes were up 15 to nothing and fucking lost in the final seconds! PEYTON MANNING you suck dont act like I dont know how you run youre Christmas Party at the Indianpolis Childrens museam you piece of crap! Ok time to go to work!
word on the street is that John the great drummer from Fishboy is not going to be rocking for FISHBOY anymore.. This is sad sad sad news.. He a fine, fine drummer and they a fine fine band... BUT He will still be a fine fine drummer and they will still be a fine fine band..
ok ok so some of you might know about this Recycling thing i do sometimes.. well i was asked to fill in yesterday monday for a shift lets just say 9 hours out in the rain on a bike makes me want to die! I had multiple moments where about got off the bike kicked it and left it for dead! But I succeeded only because I knew I was going to get to watch a fucking VIKINGS football game that night..
We decided to meet up at LEGENDS for the game.. shit they had 2 dollar tall boys and they make some pretty good chips and salsa! Well I must say the day got worst as the night when on.. I even told a CHEESE head to go to Hell he told me to fuck off.. I guess he got the last laugh!
Oh well I got asked to be a groomsmen for my sisters wedding! Which Im totally stoked for and have never been asked to do.. So that was the only good thing that came out of my monday...
well I had a wonderful b-day weekend thanks to ash and All my friends and fam for their wonderful blogs, e-mails, cards, texts, calls and gifts.. I got two things I never thought I would get in my life.. for sure.. I got an ELVIS light switch thing from dev and pam and I can finally say Im the proud owner of the Bee Gees and Peter Framptom movie "SGT. PEPPERS Lonely Hearts CLub band" Oh yeah well anyway thanks ya all you make me happy!
Well Well Well I need to let you all know that this is not a blog by Ashley Renee Tape Fleming but her loving hubby patrick.. so please no confusion, she keeps getting upset that people who read this think she's the one who can't spell!