Ok so tonight Im stoked cause I get to hang with my PCC boys (minus Jt who is working) We have a show in Iowa City..
Then tommorow is my B-day.. now some of the day I need to spend at a Meeting for daytrotter in the Quad Cities but since its my B-day Ash wanted us to do something like go camping or to a Bed and Breakfast since I dont have to work on Sunday now...
Well Most of the Bed and Breakfastest I looked into were full, Ofcourse its a holiday weekend but have no fear.. ASHLEY FOUND a hotel.. IN TOLEDO, IA????
She knows I liked Casinos so check this room we are staying in for my b-day
Its the ACES WILD ROOM by Maskswakee???
Oh boy I hope I come home rich after a smokey night of Black Jack! Wish me Luck!