Well yesterday (sunday june 29th) started off great, Ash and I got up and rode backs to Aida Haden (lake in North Ames) to go for a run, after we ran one of the trails and around the lake a bit we came home to do a little yard work... Ash tended the garden while I mowed!
by this time We were bothing stinking pretty good, both needing a shower!
Ash kinda finished up with that and decided to tackle another project we had, a clogged bath tub drain.. I have had this issue before in an old apartment and so the other day I bought one of those SNAKE things to unclog hair and goop.. To tell you the truth the problem wasnt reel bad but we were planning on having some company this weekend so why not fix it before you have a problem.. so I sent Ash up to get it started...
Well when I got done mowing she said she had "BROKE SOMETHING" so I went to take a look and she didnt really break it she just crack a little piece of it.. but we couldnt get the snake down in the drain cause I think our tub is a re-tub (since our house is from 1922) so I figure I would give it a whirl and I totally BROKE SOMETHING.. and then decided to clean out all the puddy and stuff that was cracked... Ash thought maybe what I was doing was a bad Idea but i was bound and determined to fix out tub... but at this point gave up.. But I was feeling bad that I couldnt fix the problem so I thought.. well I will clean the tub out, that will make Ash happy!
So I started scrubbing and rubbing and running some water and OHHHHH SHIT Ashley yelled for me to stop since there was water dripping into her office below.. SO I went down to scan out the situation and by this time Water was gushing from the cieling! I was like HELP.. but there wasnt anything we could do..
we got the water into pans and dryed up with some towels and decided we needed to blow off some steam so we went to Cafe Diem for coffee.. When we came home the cieling had crashed to the ground.. and boy what a mess it was.. WET CIELING is very heavy! so we got that cleaned up We layed a big old blacked down so if more ceiling fell we would catch it, and then decided to get some MEXICAN FOOD to drowned our sorrows in.. On the way to Mexican My parents called and my dad said "DID YOU EVER SEE ME TRY TO BE A PLUMBER" which was his way of saying next time dont be a dumb ass! so after our meal I was in the mood for some Vegan Ice Cream so we went and got a container from WHEATSFIELD and went and Sat at Dairy Queen to eat it.. finally my day was going great.. But when we got home again.. MORE CIELING had fell. and remember that blanket we put down to catch it.. YEAH NONE of it fell on the blanket.. OH shit what a night.. ATleast we are both laughing about it now.. And we both STILL NEED THAT SHOWER!