Ok so I know people have been raving about Curb your Enthusiasm for awhile now.. Including Devin and you know I wrote it off as some HBO show by the guy from Seinfiield that I would never see since I dont have HBO.. But lucky Joe T and I got to experience it a bit on the way down to SXSW.. in the van with the Daytrotter boys..
Our first show we got to see we actually just listened in the front seat cause I was driving and joe was riding shot gun... But we were laughing our balls off and hell we were just listning like an old timey radio comedy show..
Anyway since I have been back ash and I have gotten hooked on the show we have checked out Season 4 and 2 in that order from the Ames public Library and they fill our weekend nights with laughter and actually fun amazing TV...
SO we are hooked but now ashley leaves for a week and I have made a promise to not to watch anymore episodes with out her.. man its so good WAY BETTER than sienfield in my oppinion...
here is just a taiste...
my favorite charicter our Larrys agent Jeff, and Larrys wife... oh they kill so good!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Cat Power / Joe Cocker one in the same????
Now i will just throw this out there right now... I really love both Cat Power and Joe Cocker.. BUT after hearing Joe Cocker on the Radio yesterday and knowing how he looks when he performs I was like.... WAIT A MINUTE CAT POWER IS JOE COCKER... They both have killer bands, good back up vocals, and shit they can do covers like no one else so I went to the TUBE for some back up...
theese are the first two videos I watch and I see the similarities in voice expression and arm movements... see for yourself
ps leon russel looks great with a ciggie in mouth
theese are the first two videos I watch and I see the similarities in voice expression and arm movements... see for yourself
ps leon russel looks great with a ciggie in mouth
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
its tax time and Ash and I started ours today.. Im finished... now writing on my blog while she pines away adding up all her massage apointments.. Ouch! well this one is for her....
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
So people are always asking me about Daytrotter (the company I work for).. I came across this nice little piece on Youtube..
I think from now on I will just send them here.
Its great it features Sean, Pat, you see Phil and heck the High Strung and Laura Gibson are in it too.. check it out!
I think from now on I will just send them here.
Its great it features Sean, Pat, you see Phil and heck the High Strung and Laura Gibson are in it too.. check it out!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Happy Easter
Well we had a good weekend around here..
Saw a great show at the Vaudeville on Friday night... Brooks from Old Scratch Revival Singers, 12 cannons, and the Black Swans... all which were great...
But nothing could top Saturday night as we went out with some of ash's buddies from Wheatsfield for Shelly's B-day..
We went bowling then to the FOX for Karokee... Ash has never done Karoke but we coaxed her into doing BURNING LOVE by Elvis and she nailed it... AND WON a 15 dollar Bar TAB!!! And got asked to come Next weekend to the Bi-annual Karokee contest where first prize is 400 bucks... she dosnt want to do it but damn shes got to... thats like 7 massages worth of dough!...
Anyway Easter was nice we layed low.. practiced for our show on April 8th and I made some vegan rice crispies.. (to much suger ucky).. but ash liked them... or said she did!! we watch the movie COFFEE and CIGARETTS.. which I DONT reccamend!
Ok last but not least I would like to leave you with a fantastic picture of my beautiful god-daughter merrick with a freaky looking easter bunny! She looks thrilled!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Its been a couple of weeks.... what happend

Well so sorry I have been so aluf.. I have been super busy... starting with all the guys coming down/up for a show at the M-shop with Hallilujah the Hills, which went quite great... it was so much fun seeing everyone! Most of all it was great seeing our dear friend/booking agent Shawn K. come to ames... I wanted to hang out with him more but I had to get in a van with sean, brad, phil, and our own Joe T. and head down to SXSW... to help them record Daytrotter sessions...
The trip was a blast and Brad is a super driver/producer... while Phil and Sean kept the beer, Mexican Coke, and bands shuffling through.. it was an amazing time that I will never forget.. We got to record Yo La Tengo and they even took one of my request Stockholm Syndrome! I really loved some other we recorded like Herman Dune and Tim Fite.. so many more too.. I got to meet Danial Lanois (recorded U2, Eno, Dylan, etc) and many others...
the best part of SXSW was hanging with Friends Ryan and Jennifer Anderson, fishboy (the band) Chris Yetter, and the besties.. were all in town.. Ryan and Jennifer who are exspecting their first child were the best hosts ever and kept me full all week!
I had the best time!
joe and I even got to play a show down there.. so it was amazing...
since I have been home its been great working and hanging with Ash... and Joe and I got to play a show the other day here... I will post a scene from it and some pictures...
great couple weeks!
glad to be back
Monday, March 3, 2008
Remember that movie Im going to be in..
So I just got sent the updated script which Ash and I like to read like Tony Clifton... Bull Shit Bull Shit My line Bull Shit...
anyway not to give away any secrets but here is the summary check it out!
I film scene 3 on thursday at 4:45 at the MU.. if anyone wants a behind the scenes look!
I'm Matt!
Dan – A ghost. He shows up and does not know he was killed two years ago.
Jen – Dan’s ex-girlfriend. She didn’t know that Dan was killed but thought that he left the town on her brother’s birthday during her sophomore year.
Matt – Dan’s friend who murdered and kept Dan’s body in his house.
Blake – Jen’s brother
Adam – Jen’s friend
Screen one: Dan wakes up and finds himself in unknown building. He rushes out to the university in order to find his roommate. (Time limit: 10 sec in his apartment. Location: Apartment 1)
Screen two: Jen receives a letter from her graduate school at her office. She is reading it while waiting for her brother, Blake. While Blake is talking about celebrating for her graduate acceptance, she thinks about Dan. (Time limit: 30-45 seconds included 1.) Vivid flash back scene for around 10-15 seconds. 2.) Dan tries to get the bus scene for 5-10 seconds).
Screen three: Matt meets Jan at Cafeteria (location: Mu). They talk about Dan. (Time limit: 1.0-1.5 minutes including flashback of the party when Dan promises Jen to see her at library tomorrow night and scene when Jen and Dan passed each other on campus time: 5-8 seconds.).
Scene four: Matt goes to the basement where he hides Dan’s body. Dan waits in library while voice about his death is used. (Time limit 2-3 minutes).
Well on Saturday I had the pleasure of runnig sound for 2 show at the Vaud which was great I got to see Keeper and Jeremy's Graces new band Secret Panels and they both were loud and excellent!
I must say..
But damn in not often one of your all time favorite bands are on Saturday Night Live... Lucky for me there is always YOU TUBE...
But what sucks it the band is coming to Des Moines this sunday with HORN section in tow... much like the BAND on the Last Waltz... Im bummed Im missing it.. I hope Ashley goes so I can get a full report!
well you can check out NPR right now for a full Wilco concert with Horns or here is the SNL clips..
They are also taking request on WILCO WEB for songs for each city so go check that out and make them play The LONELY ONE in Des Moines for me!
I must say..
But damn in not often one of your all time favorite bands are on Saturday Night Live... Lucky for me there is always YOU TUBE...
But what sucks it the band is coming to Des Moines this sunday with HORN section in tow... much like the BAND on the Last Waltz... Im bummed Im missing it.. I hope Ashley goes so I can get a full report!
well you can check out NPR right now for a full Wilco concert with Horns or here is the SNL clips..
They are also taking request on WILCO WEB for songs for each city so go check that out and make them play The LONELY ONE in Des Moines for me!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Surprise Date at the Surf Ballroom
Well all week i have been teasing Ashley that I have a surprised date planned.. so I made sure all her massage appointments were done by 6pm on Friday so we had time to get there...
So we hopped in the car where I had some of Ash's favorite snacks since we would not have time for a proper dinner. and we headed North on I-35.. Ashley kept asking where we were going and I said someplace between here and Canada...
She must have thought Minniapolis.. but if she did she was wrong!
We were heading to Clear Lake, IA? Home of the Legendary Surf Ballroom (where Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and the Big Bopper played their famous last show!) I have never been to the Surf but have always wanted to go... And what a great opportunity to surprise Ash with a Beatles Tribute band that George Harrison's Sister says is the best... They are the Liverpool Legends... who make thier Branson, MO there home but were rocking the Surf on this leap year day!...
Ash was so suprised and was so excited to get out of town into this cute little town by the lake.. The show was fantastic.. we danced, and sang to tons of Beatle classics.. and shit we enjoyed a big tub of Popcorn and imported beers for small town prices and the tickets were only 10 bucks so what a great Cheap date for under 35 bucks total!
I took some video with my digital camera and pics check them out.
On the way home ZZ Top was on the radio so we started talking about great Tribute band titles for ZZ Top... I said ZZ POT where they could be stoners..
but Ashley naturally one uped me twice with
ZZ Tots where its kids being ZZ Top and
ZZ BOT where they were Robots ... when we got home I layed in bed for atleast 25 minutes trying to one up her.. but I just needed to ZZ Stop! either way.. Amazing Date!
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