I dont, why because Portishead has a new album coiming out... I used to listen to the self titled album to fall asleap at night in high school. so amazing I will buy this the day it comes out...
ITS BEEN 10 years since their last one..
heres why I think there the BEES KNEES
Friday, November 30, 2007
Not only did Fishboy just release one of the most amazing, exciting records of the past few years they are now traveling around this country showing off the album... You must go see them if they are in your town.. I Have listed the dates below..
Go to www.yofishboy.com to listen to this wonderul rocking band!
Replay Lounge Lawrence, Kansas Dec 1 2007 8:00P
Hi Dive w/ Bad Weather California Denver, Colorado
Dec 2 2007 8:00P
Manatee Manor w/ teamAWESOME Boulder
Dec 5 2007 8:00P
Neurolux w/ Antelope Boise, Idaho
Dec 6 2007 8:00P
Wild Buffalo Bellingham, Washington
Dec 7 2007 8:00P
Comet Tavern w/ BOAT and "Awesome" Seattle, Washington
Dec 8 2007 8:00P
Department of Safety w/ Tullycraft!! Anacortes
Dec 9 2007 8:00P
Slabtown w/ Eux Autres and Gingerbread Patriots Portland, Oregon
Dec 10 2007 8:00P
House Party! Sacramento, California
Dec 11 2007 8:00P
1078 Gallery w/ Eux Autres Chico, California
Dec 12 2007 8:00P
Rickshaw Stop with Eux Autres and more! San Francisco, California
Dec 14 2007 8:00P
The Kensington Club w/ Red Pony Clock Eux Autres San Diego, California
Dec 15 2007 8:00P
House Show! w/ Iji Phoenix, Arizona
HAPPY B-day Ms. Alli Arnold

ITs Alli Arnolds birthday.. send her a wish of a wonderful day.. for those of you who don't know this gal.. She is the Alli featured in the Poison Control Center song Jennifer and Ryan and She is one of the most talented artist and funny people in the whole world and I adore our friendship and her..
You can check out her awesome blog below, and or see her art on her website also linked below...
She has been featured in the NEW YORK TIMES, the New Yorker, and countless magazines and even books.. SHE RAD and I love her dearly! Happy B-day Alli
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I want to hybernate!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Its been to long..
sorry for the lack of posts.. So much has been going on...
Tour was great... got to play some of the most inspiring shows of my life with Joe and I will treasure those 2 weeks always!
Thanksgving was great.. Ash and I made a Vegan feast for about 10 and it was amazing...
Seeing the band this weekend was a hoot.. recording on our new tape machine and practicing sooo good.
the Vikes are back in the HUNT! YEAH>...
Now the sad news the Lead Singer of Quiet Riot is Dead... I saw him at the Iowa State fair from the front row in High School He came out with his mic stand in his teeth I thought that was Bad fucking ass!
I even bought a t-shirt!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
And we are off....
Well yesterday I left for tour with Joe T. and Casper and the Cookies.. Our show last night was very fun in Omaha not that well attendid but Scott was there, Scuds my little sis , our pal Mike, our Old Buddy Joe from Someday never, Landon From Little BRazil and some other who were very nice.. One dude particuarly who bought Joe T. and I shots during our set..
Our set list went...
Magical one
Don't Go
Skoal Vikings (This one brought the house down....)
Thrill (we were awarded a show right before the YOUR FATHER lost part)
Waco (insert another shot here)
Magic Circle (insert long story about Ashley Not going to GBV with me)
Frank Mills (hair) (so pretty Casper sang with joe and I)
RAYGAY ALICE (Scotty called Don so he could listen Mon)
Anyway it was great... fun.. Then Joe and I are at Ashley (my little sis) and her place is great.. and Like my lovely older sis she always has hummus for me.. So we stay up and talked and she showed us her Shot glas collection.. Could Ashley T. and I bought her a shot glass on our Honeymoon and still have given it to her..
but its a wonderful place and she was great for having us...
On the homefront... Ashley and I might be getting new carpet so I got to talk to ashley after she had the desinger come over and take measurments and stuff.. Im kinda excited about it, its our first kinda home project besides painting which we will have to do again too.. But its all exciting.. Got to talk to Ashley while she was at Borders checkin into massage cds as well.. Sounds like she is doing good and I miss her a ton..
anyway this might be the longest post ever.. But thanks for TUNING IN.. Onto St. Louis...
Friday, November 2, 2007
He's Back and Better then EVER?????
Since 1999 I have been hailing KLEENEX GIRL WONDER's "Poneyoak" albums as one of the finest ever made.. But since then no offence to Grahm Smith But he has sucked a big old egg.. Anyway I came across this AMAZINGLY AWESOME NEWER VIDEO FROM HIM.. and It BLOWS MY MIND!! Seriously worth your 3 minutes.. check it out!
Pirate of the SCAREabeon

WOWie look at my little buddy COLE's halloween costume the best part of this pic is the COLE in the suite down in the corner so classic Like a before and after...
Well things are pretty busy round here.. I leave for tour again tommorow.. And Im totally not prepaird.. We have friends playing in town tonight... Casper and the Cookies and the Icicles.. So we will probably have 9 extra bodies sleeping on our floors tonight but Im excited to see them.. Casper and the Cookies is who Joe and I will be touring with.. So it should be a great big ball of fun...
I got stressed yesterday cause we had a review that compared us to Modest Mouse and I cant stand that band.. But Ashley made me feel better cause she said atleast you have a Modest SPOUCE...
well happy november... OUr house Morgage went down 3 dollars a month.. Ash and I havent yet figured out how to spend that money but Im thinking 3 samosa's from Pammel grocery might do the trick!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Happy Birthday Merrick

Well Im the luckiest Godfather ever.. cause Merrick Gagcke is my Godaughter.. I love her so and she turns the big 3 today Nov. 1st..
3 years ago to the day I wrote, recorded, and mixed a song about her, right after I got word of her being born.. Man I put some good drums on that song.. Anyway She is amazing and I love her so.. HAPPY B-day MERRICK!
Sing us a Song Piano Man
Well the time has come, I am now the last member of the Poison Control Center to live in our "HOME TOWN" of Ames.
With Ephraim in Iowa City, Devin in Columbia, MO and Joe t. now moving down to Des Moines.. Im a little bit lonely here in Ames..
Im super excited for Joe that he can now hit the road all the time with no need to get a house and cat sitter.. But its sad to see him move out of that apartment.. My all time Favorite PCC recording happened in that place.. on a song about Ashley Called "Magical One".. So in my little world its kinda like closing the doors to a great old ball park.. you know there is history there..
BUT there nothing likeing RIPPING one of the grandstand seats out of that old ball park and putting it in your basement..
In other words I have alwasy wanted a Piano and it might as well be the Piano that my favorite band recorded my favorite song with.... Not a bad piece of my musical history.. Thing is it took 3 dudes (eric joe and i) to get it lodge in my door way for about a half hour.. when "MS. MAGICAL ONE" was saying to take off the door instead of just being dudes and pushing it though...
WELL MAGICAL ONE wins again... But now we have a piano and I still love her as much as I did before.. Hopefully she still feels the same about me and scuffy up our door, floor, and steps.. OH Boy... thanks hun!
With Ephraim in Iowa City, Devin in Columbia, MO and Joe t. now moving down to Des Moines.. Im a little bit lonely here in Ames..
Im super excited for Joe that he can now hit the road all the time with no need to get a house and cat sitter.. But its sad to see him move out of that apartment.. My all time Favorite PCC recording happened in that place.. on a song about Ashley Called "Magical One".. So in my little world its kinda like closing the doors to a great old ball park.. you know there is history there..
BUT there nothing likeing RIPPING one of the grandstand seats out of that old ball park and putting it in your basement..
In other words I have alwasy wanted a Piano and it might as well be the Piano that my favorite band recorded my favorite song with.... Not a bad piece of my musical history.. Thing is it took 3 dudes (eric joe and i) to get it lodge in my door way for about a half hour.. when "MS. MAGICAL ONE" was saying to take off the door instead of just being dudes and pushing it though...
WELL MAGICAL ONE wins again... But now we have a piano and I still love her as much as I did before.. Hopefully she still feels the same about me and scuffy up our door, floor, and steps.. OH Boy... thanks hun!
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