Scorsese to direct George Harrison film
09/27/2007 4:43 PM, AP
Martin Scorsese will direct a documentary film on the late Beatles guitarist George Harrison.
"Harrison's music and his search for spiritual meaning is a story that still resonates today and I'm looking forward to delving deeper," Scorsese said in an e-mailed press release Thursday.
"It would have given George great joy to know that Martin Scorsese has agreed to tell his story," Harrison's widow, Olivia, said.
Scorsese, who won his first Academy Award this year for directing "The Departed," has made other films focusing on music stars, including the 2005 documentary "No Direction Home: Bob Dylan" and 1978's "The Last Waltz."
Harrison, born in Liverpool, England, and the youngest of the Beatles, died at 58 in Los Angeles on Nov. 29, 2001, after battling lung cancer and a brain tumor.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Miss my baby
Well yesterday kinda sucked...
work sucked but Im getting paid some this week! YIPPIE!
ashley being gone sucked...
But today is going alright went to the dentist for the first time in about 6 years I have lost part of a my fake tooth and a whole other tooth since then.. but the dentist say my teeth look great other than that..
Now they want to do 4,000 dollars worth of stuff... OUCH..
The one thing I miss most about Ashley not being around is the funny stuff I want to tell her.. or the ideas I had for a new SNL skit.. and I cant.. kinda sucks.. she so nice always laughs at my bad jokes...
Well Im only eating smoothies till she gets home! well and coffee and oj..
and I think I'm going to go to the Arcade fire show in Minneapolis.. I found a General Admission Ticket on Craigs list.. so after the vikings upset the pack I will go stand outside the areana and get a front row spot for the NEON BIBLE show... ITs my favorite album of the year!
work sucked but Im getting paid some this week! YIPPIE!
ashley being gone sucked...
But today is going alright went to the dentist for the first time in about 6 years I have lost part of a my fake tooth and a whole other tooth since then.. but the dentist say my teeth look great other than that..
Now they want to do 4,000 dollars worth of stuff... OUCH..
The one thing I miss most about Ashley not being around is the funny stuff I want to tell her.. or the ideas I had for a new SNL skit.. and I cant.. kinda sucks.. she so nice always laughs at my bad jokes...
Well Im only eating smoothies till she gets home! well and coffee and oj..
and I think I'm going to go to the Arcade fire show in Minneapolis.. I found a General Admission Ticket on Craigs list.. so after the vikings upset the pack I will go stand outside the areana and get a front row spot for the NEON BIBLE show... ITs my favorite album of the year!

Well I have always been a lyrics guy.. I like good lyrics.. I have always wanted our band to write good lyrics.. well finnally some what thinks we do....
Read what some very nice person said about us...
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
OK so my dream came true...

So when I was in high school I had two musical dreams 1 was to play the CMJ music fest.. which this October I will play for the 3rd time.. and the 2nd was to chart on the CMJ Charts.... Those are the only 2 dreams I ever had in music!
Yesterday I found out that we charted #130 on the top 200 CMJ charts...
So now everything else that we do in music is just Iceing on the Cake.. Ashley asked me what my new music goals are going to be and I said I'm not making any but I am going to try out for the IOWA CUBS next year...
Just kidding..
Well Ashley headed to Cincinatti yesterday.. IT took her about 12 hours with all the construction, rain, U-turns and car accidents but she made it and I'm happy she is getting to hang out with some colleegs this week and see some of her fam! I have been sitting in the house with all the lights off! EATing to much hummus!
Monday, September 24, 2007
What an awesome Weekend!

Well our cd release show went awesome! We had a great time and you can read all about it here....
Read About the PCC cd release show from the Iowa State Daily
And then Kansas City with the fam was great.. we all got burnt to a crisp sitting in the 2nd to the top row of Areohead stadiam but it was great fun haning with everone, one last time before we are split across the world even further than anyone would think.. but heres a quick summary of everyone..
1. Dad pissed at the game
2. mom likes buying ashley stuff
3. Nathan ready to rock GERMANY.. good luck!
4. Becky always has Hummus for me and Im full
5. Tom made a Cocky Cheifs fan very scared for a second.. and hes stoneless
6. Ashley F. got a little sick but she's still a trooper!
7. Cole and Merrick.. Totally fun!
8. Ashley tape.. likes the heat on in the car...
LOVE EM all though!
Friday, September 21, 2007
The Poison Control Center "Magic Circle Symphony"
So this is probably what you will miss if you dont head to the Cd release show this weekend...
Heck in this version your about to watch .. Devin Franks Parents take on the lead vocals for a chorus! not to shabby!
Heck in this version your about to watch .. Devin Franks Parents take on the lead vocals for a chorus! not to shabby!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Get em while there hot!

So I know a lot of you were at my glorious wedding and heck our amazing photographer Dan might have even caught you in a picture or two.. and i you would like to see them and or buy prints from him you can do that all right here.....
Pics from the Tape Fleming wedding
Like check this pretty one of Devin out!!! I bet Lynn and Bill would love this one above the mantle and take that long haired shaggy senior picture of Devin down!
Monday, September 17, 2007
7 days without Tofu makes one WEEK!
Man this is a crazy week..
things that are happening this week...
1. The PCC cd goes to college radio-- if we chart on CMJ my last dream in music will be fulfiled and I can probably quit!
2. Ash and I will head to Columbia, MO to see WILCO with Dev and Pam.. Im stoked this will be my 8th Wilco show.. 2nd out doors!
3. The PCC have their cd release show this saturday at the M-shop... Our first ever offical headlining show there I think.
4. I get to see my entire family in Kansas City on Sunday before my bro heads to Germany and Ash heads to Omaha we are all meeting in KC to watch the vikes and hang out.. Should be fun..
5. Ashley heads to Cincinatti for a massage conference.. this is cool, but Im not at home by myself much.. I guess I get to see what its like when Im on tour...
either way.. busy week but should be good! Just like this........
things that are happening this week...
1. The PCC cd goes to college radio-- if we chart on CMJ my last dream in music will be fulfiled and I can probably quit!
2. Ash and I will head to Columbia, MO to see WILCO with Dev and Pam.. Im stoked this will be my 8th Wilco show.. 2nd out doors!
3. The PCC have their cd release show this saturday at the M-shop... Our first ever offical headlining show there I think.
4. I get to see my entire family in Kansas City on Sunday before my bro heads to Germany and Ash heads to Omaha we are all meeting in KC to watch the vikes and hang out.. Should be fun..
5. Ashley heads to Cincinatti for a massage conference.. this is cool, but Im not at home by myself much.. I guess I get to see what its like when Im on tour...
either way.. busy week but should be good! Just like this........
Thursday, September 13, 2007
So I ran sound the other night for the first time for a Grammy winner... Yeah it was Jesse Harris who wrote that song, "Don't Know Why" by Nora Jones.. I was going to buy my friend Ladd 2 shots if he started yelling that song name out but he didnt so I kept my money..
It was kinda sad there was only about 15 people there but damn it was fun watching an amazing songwriter play.. And he was totally nice and very complimentary of me! so he gained a fan!
here a clip of him and his band from Joe's Pub in New York City!
It was kinda sad there was only about 15 people there but damn it was fun watching an amazing songwriter play.. And he was totally nice and very complimentary of me! so he gained a fan!
here a clip of him and his band from Joe's Pub in New York City!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
TO good not to post!
I fogot!

Well I had a wonderful weekend with the band.. We practiced and hung out with Joe L. from the Juice.. Devin brought up some STAG Beer and our practice ended up being a little like a show at the Vaud with no set list as the night wore on we got a little bit tipsy and started going back a bit into our catalog.. It was fun hanging with the guys.. We havent all been together since tour and it was so great hanging with everyone..
Gave don his bad as birthday Bowling trophy and i think he dug it so I was happy!
The show in minneapolis was great.. Got to see lots of friends and we play pretty dang good. here is a photo that Dan from took.. go there to check out more!
So then I drove home with the boys getting back around 3;30 then about 5;30 woke up and me and ashley headed back up to the Vikings game which was totally worth it.. the game was the best I have been to in a long time so much fun..
We then got to go to the St. Paul police impound lot since my little sis was in a car accident on Sat.. SHe is ok, luckily but she got some pretty good bumps and bruises on her bod.. form the Airbag and stuff... Scary shit..
but anyway it was great hanging with ash, ash, and pops for a bit..
But the thing I forgot is this.. SO we have chores at our house and Ashleys is to look good and she does very well at that and she has never forgot to do it..
my chore is to take out the garbage every monday.. I totally forgot. and now we have a huge watermelon stinking up our can!
Oh well.
as Joe T. would say .. STUPID ASS
Friday, September 7, 2007
well its weird.. When they say there is going to be a new Remix of an old classic Bob Dylan song on the new Greatest Hits Columbia is releasing this year..
SO they got Hot Produceer Marc Ronson (amy winehouse rehab song) to remix one of my faves by Bobby.. And I thought come the fuck on.. But actually the song is really awsome.. Not as good as th 66 bootleg version with the Band backing him but I will take what I can get...
Also the video is a total ripp off of the Beatles Free as a Bird but hell great minds think alike!
check it out!
SO they got Hot Produceer Marc Ronson (amy winehouse rehab song) to remix one of my faves by Bobby.. And I thought come the fuck on.. But actually the song is really awsome.. Not as good as th 66 bootleg version with the Band backing him but I will take what I can get...
Also the video is a total ripp off of the Beatles Free as a Bird but hell great minds think alike!
check it out!
So many of you remember my interview with Eric Moffit of the bands Keepers of the Carpet and Wolves in the Attic.. Well today is his birthday.. so Im going to go buy him a big ass Russian Beer from Wheatsfield.
here is a video from Keepers of the Carpet.. check it!
here is a video from Keepers of the Carpet.. check it!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Ok last night was fun, got a call from my little sis, it was good talking to her.. Sounds like she going to be leaving the cities and headin to Omaha.. Sounds like my bro in moving to Germany too.. Lots of exciting things going on in my fam.. Im looking forward to seeing all of them in a few weeks! But right now my main concern is my addiction to ITUNES.. last night I used my 25 dollar gift card i got for our wedding..
I love searching ITunes those songs that so awesome but there is no way you would ever buy a cd with it on it.. some of my Favorites I picked up last night were Little Things by Dave Berry, and The Worst that Could Happen by the Brooklyn Bridge.. Fucking amazing songs..
I also picked up some Judy Collins, Mel Carter, the Rasberries, and some Supergrass.. Ashley is going to a Massage conference in a few weeks in Cincinatti so Im going to make her some bad ass mix cds.. SO I bought some special songs for that too..
Ok my pot of coffee is done and its time to get to work..
enjoy this judy collins song!
I love searching ITunes those songs that so awesome but there is no way you would ever buy a cd with it on it.. some of my Favorites I picked up last night were Little Things by Dave Berry, and The Worst that Could Happen by the Brooklyn Bridge.. Fucking amazing songs..
I also picked up some Judy Collins, Mel Carter, the Rasberries, and some Supergrass.. Ashley is going to a Massage conference in a few weeks in Cincinatti so Im going to make her some bad ass mix cds.. SO I bought some special songs for that too..
Ok my pot of coffee is done and its time to get to work..
enjoy this judy collins song!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Well I was kinda trying to hold out on buying the new Super Furry Animals since I thought I would get it for free through work.. and its DOWNLOAD only and I like my cds... SO I waited but I must wait no longer I thought... So I downloaded it off ITUNES and boy am I glad I did.. I think its their best record since RINGS AROUND THE WORLD.. very solid all the way around it! GET IT NOW.. its called HEY VENUS!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Go Now..
Sunday, September 2, 2007
I had a gay old time....
Well my birthday was rad.. I got lots of calls, cards, gifts, e-mails and such from friends and family I really appriciated it.. thanks.. to everyone..
All I wanted for my birthday was a massage from Ashley and she gave me like an hour and half pfrimmer (90 dollar value) and it was a wonderful way to start my day. She also got me some new undies and some time with a personal trainer which is rad.. I dont care if he likes it or not Im going to call him Mick... Like Rocky would... I also got some GROOVY WILCO 2 inch vinyl figureines from Woe and cool in my little office.
So on my birthday we decided to make a video for the Poison Control Center song, SHOT IN THE FACE... here it is for your viewing pleasure....
Now there something about the firecrackers the PCC bought on tour a few years back that I think there cursed.. Cause well maybe this story is to long but the PCC almost died a few year back why... Firecrackers, lit cigareette, van in trafic jam, burnt polyster shirt. 2 years later we were using some smoke bombs bought on the same trip and my polyester shirt caught on fire.. this time I was wearing it.. But that opening shot of the video is so worth a burn on my arm!
So that took up most of our day...
There was also a IOWA STATE football game that night so since ASHLEY was all dressed up in that red out fit I thought we should go down to the game and try to get her in as CYCLONE GIRL.. (BY THIS TIME SHE HAD, HAD ENOUGH) so I was trying to tell parking attendents that I had CYCLONE GIRL in the Car and we needed to park for free cause we were with AMES PUBLIC ACCESS!!! Finally it worked and I got some footage of some drunk dude with "Cyclone Girl" and a bunch of kids Scared of her!!! Anyway it was a totally rad birthday!
Yesterday we went to get COlONICS and FOOT ELECTRO THEREPY.. which my colonic exsperence was the best of my life other than the lady telling me how I have JAUNDIS and all that shit like she always does.. Anyway we did this foot thing to and they shoot electronic current through your foot and it looks and feels fucked up.. anyway I was trying to be tough and told her to keep turning it up.. I wanted to get my moneys worth.. OR Ashley's anyway.. and then she said is that good and Im about ready to cry and then she says Ok now you have to sit there with this going for 15 minutes and I was like OH SHIT what have I got myself into... I thought this was like a bench press and you just wanted to see how Hi you could go for 1 time.. Not the case... Anyway I surrived and got lots of toxins and heavy metals out of my feet...
Then ashley wanted to stop some place to eat... In North West iowa not the greatest places for Vegans... Anyway .... well maybe this can be a whole differnent blog cause its too good. TO BE CONTINUED...
again thanks everyone mostly ashley for makeing 27th b-day rad...
All I wanted for my birthday was a massage from Ashley and she gave me like an hour and half pfrimmer (90 dollar value) and it was a wonderful way to start my day. She also got me some new undies and some time with a personal trainer which is rad.. I dont care if he likes it or not Im going to call him Mick... Like Rocky would... I also got some GROOVY WILCO 2 inch vinyl figureines from Woe and cool in my little office.
So on my birthday we decided to make a video for the Poison Control Center song, SHOT IN THE FACE... here it is for your viewing pleasure....
Now there something about the firecrackers the PCC bought on tour a few years back that I think there cursed.. Cause well maybe this story is to long but the PCC almost died a few year back why... Firecrackers, lit cigareette, van in trafic jam, burnt polyster shirt. 2 years later we were using some smoke bombs bought on the same trip and my polyester shirt caught on fire.. this time I was wearing it.. But that opening shot of the video is so worth a burn on my arm!
So that took up most of our day...
There was also a IOWA STATE football game that night so since ASHLEY was all dressed up in that red out fit I thought we should go down to the game and try to get her in as CYCLONE GIRL.. (BY THIS TIME SHE HAD, HAD ENOUGH) so I was trying to tell parking attendents that I had CYCLONE GIRL in the Car and we needed to park for free cause we were with AMES PUBLIC ACCESS!!! Finally it worked and I got some footage of some drunk dude with "Cyclone Girl" and a bunch of kids Scared of her!!! Anyway it was a totally rad birthday!
Yesterday we went to get COlONICS and FOOT ELECTRO THEREPY.. which my colonic exsperence was the best of my life other than the lady telling me how I have JAUNDIS and all that shit like she always does.. Anyway we did this foot thing to and they shoot electronic current through your foot and it looks and feels fucked up.. anyway I was trying to be tough and told her to keep turning it up.. I wanted to get my moneys worth.. OR Ashley's anyway.. and then she said is that good and Im about ready to cry and then she says Ok now you have to sit there with this going for 15 minutes and I was like OH SHIT what have I got myself into... I thought this was like a bench press and you just wanted to see how Hi you could go for 1 time.. Not the case... Anyway I surrived and got lots of toxins and heavy metals out of my feet...
Then ashley wanted to stop some place to eat... In North West iowa not the greatest places for Vegans... Anyway .... well maybe this can be a whole differnent blog cause its too good. TO BE CONTINUED...
again thanks everyone mostly ashley for makeing 27th b-day rad...
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